Brilliant take.
Well sourced and reasoned. But the OP is too entrenched in their view to consider evidence contrary to their supposition. But I appreciate it and 100% agree.
True. I suspect it is a bit of a monkey’s paw situation. Even so, the planet would be better off without them.
Being immortal in a world where Thiel, Bezos, and Zuckerberg are also immortal? Yeah, no thanks. That sounds like hell.
Unsurprisingly, Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, and most recently the Saudi’s are pouring billions into research that will extend their lives, ideally letting them live forever:
Take your damn star!
Basically content companies like Discovery, want to make content as cheap as possible and make as much money as possible off of that cheap content.
I figure it’s about 20% of people who really, truly, suck. But they make the world suck for the rest of us.
And a good share of the blame for that goes to the Bernie-Bots who wouldn’t vote for Hillary in 2016.
Wow. Just...wow. It is the fault of you, and your ilk, that wouldn’t vote for Hillary in 2016 that caused this. You. Are. At. Fault. Full stop. You owe every woman in America and apologize.
Stop grading this show on a curve! Compared to any other Star Trek show (including Enterprise) it’s trash.
Are you grading this on a curve? Or has the show gotten exponentially better since I last watched it? From the review it sounds like you are grading on a curve. Because it still sounds awful.
Be much more difficult for them if the election results are certified. Unfortunately, that looks like it won’t be until January 6.
Sadly, this was fake. She is refusing to sign.
“How Do I Unlock My Android Phone If the Screen Is Shattered?”
Sooooo much better than Discovery. But since that is an insanely low bar I would say that it is my fourth favorite Trek show behind TOS, TAS, and TNG.