I have no choice but to keep Twitter because a few people tweet things that are relevant to my job and I need to be able to see them. I have never used it, really, but I followed a few journalists I like and it pains me to see how they just cannot jump ship and are still tweeting or linking things like 20 times a day.…
did you see that “prove I’m not an emerald mine heir” thing where apparently his dad was like “ummm”
It’s also notable that if he’s posting false statements to big name celebrities’ accounts and then admitting elsewhere that he’s doing to just to mess with them becaused he knows they’d view it as a negative, then in addition to the Lantham act violations, he’s handing them what I have to assume is a pretty decent…
Now I gotta rewatch Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo. Thanks a lot.
Just because Big Man Moneybags buys the community center everyone loves and wants to turn it into condos doesn’t mean you let him. Sometimes you need to have a catchy chant and a bikini car wash to raise enough money to kick his butt back to the big city and leave us alone.
There are few things in this world that I’m certain of, but one thing that I know for sure is that Norm Macdonald’s ghost wouldn’t pay for Twitter Blue. This subscription is clearly the work of an imposter ghost. I suspect the ghost of Frank Stallone, who is alive, yet remains the ghost of Frank Stallone.
If dril goes to some other app, I think many of us would follow. Not much else worth looking at on Twitter anyway.
Now I want an Old Man Mario game, where he comes out of retirement to save the princess one last time.
Anyone calling this DLC needs to play Majora’s Mask for goddam homework and turn in a paper why they were wrong tomorrow.
To all the people saying this game is just a glorified DLC, please- just watch this trailer.
It sounds like the issue is capitalism, not CGI nor AI
I hear the complaints, and I can comprehend the fear that comes with the potential of losing your career. Unfortunately I don’t believe regulation will solve this issue quite like one might expect. AI is a ultimately still just a tool that is meant to make our lives easier, or at least the lives of the of company…
Let’s solve the distribution problem instead of prohibiting productivity gains!
This! It’s the normal outcome of automation. The problem isn’t AI, the problem is that we don’t have UBI. If we’d take the productivity gain for the next 10-20 years and share it as UBI, all the concerns that would be left are actually AI specific in the vein of Eliezer Yudkowsky’s warnings about AI killing us. The AI…
> The same thing is happening to art so the question is, what do we do with all of these artists who are out of jobs?
What did we do to horse breeders, trainers, etc when the automobile was invented? What is the lternative? Ban jobs so horse breeders can still make ends meet?
If technology makes your job outdated, then…
Your opinion is quite ignorant. It has not done “massive damage” to the “moviemaking industry.” It has created a large creative industry filled with people that are passionate about what they do. It has given directors and studios a near limitless ability to create whatever they can imagine.
guess we’ll have to go back to horse and carriages because of all the horse shoe makers and carriage drivers who lost their jobs too...
To be fair, I think these companies focus primarily on mobile games, which already feel cheap and soulless even without AI.