
I totally agree and would take it a step further: expand the Supreme Court from 9 seats to 13 and end the filibuster.

What keeps me up at night isn’t Trump (as much as I loathe him).  But the Supreme Court.  And that is a battle that has already been lost due to the underhanded tactics of Mitch McConnell and his ilk.  It doesn’t matter if Biden is president and Dems control both houses of Congress if every piece of legislation they

According to 538 Biden has roughly a 3/4 chance of winning and Dems are slightly favored to win the Senate. Of course this was before RBG’s death so who knows how the numbers may change (my guess is that they won’t change all that much - Americans are already entrenched in their positions). However, it doesn’t factor

Pressure Schumer, Biden, and Harris to commit to adding seats to the Supreme Court and ending the filibuster.  With Dems being the Charlie Brown of political parties, I doubt it will help, but you got to do something.

Indeed. He needs to take a look in the mirror are realize that he (and those petty bitches like him) are the reason we are so completely fucked right now.

You win this comment section for evoking Miss Cleo!

Yes, because she could have somehow predicted that the Republicans would win control of the Senate in the midterms AND Mitch McConnell would refuse to allow a nominee to be considered AND Trump would be elected.

Dems are truly the Charlie Brown of political parties.

The one thing that Dems can do is to tell Mitch if he forces a nominee through, should the Dems win the Presidency and the Senate, they will add seats the Supreme Court. But I doubt Schumer has the balls.

Better than I am.  And I applaud your effort.  The world could use more people like you.

You optimist!

Throughout history cultures have appropriated from each other, it is a cultural transmission of ideas and is completely human.

What a sad, pathetic man you are.

that will outlive any comparable PC”

To be fair, graphic design 20 years ago was a much better experience on a Mac. In the years since they’ve pulled relatively even. I’m a graphic designer and took an ROP class in graphic design back in high school in the 90s. The print shop we worked in used Macs because it was the industry standard. Which is why I’ve

In my experience, PCs have been the itchy shirts.  However, since Windows 10 came out it has gotten considerably better.  They finally have an operating system almost on par with Apple’s.

I agree with your post completely.  It was real reasoned and thoughtful.  I’ve had nothing but bad luck with PCs so I’m happy to pay extra for a mac.

HA!  I’m on board.  If Trump steals this election he better expect 1776 to look like a playground scuffle in comparison.

Sometimes you have to risk everything to do what is right.  I’d much rather have confidence in voting-by-mail, but it is clear that Trump is doing all he can to rig it.  So I will be braving the polls to make sure my vote is counted.

Nice narrative.  Also, not true.