Please give me political asylum! I’m one of the good ones. Maybe you can trade me for a Ukipper. America can have the Ukipper and I can live in a place I’m not ashamed of.
Please give me political asylum! I’m one of the good ones. Maybe you can trade me for a Ukipper. America can have the Ukipper and I can live in a place I’m not ashamed of.
Fact: Anecdotes are not evidence.
It’s really incredible how many people here assume I voted for Trump just because I have some positive thoughts on this bill
Damn those facts!
“I’m down with the WINNING TEAM.”
He said in the first quarter.
“and wouldn’t that suck ass?”
Ayn Rand called. She says she has your testicles.
Yeah. You’re definitely a white male.
Considering that he got us out of the biggest recession in modern American history, I think you’re being unnecessarily myopic.
Shhh! We don’t talk about the Obama years, except to say how bad they were and how he was from Kenya.
Even Spock was compassionate.
You’re getting salty.
“Compassion and empathy aka I base my decisions on emotion instead of reason and logic.” aka “I skull-fuck Ayn Rand’s corpse.”
Too many facts!
You lazy bastard. How unproductive.
I’d rather have immigrant sex slaves that we can liberate through American due-process than the average uneducated American voter. For which you are a prime example.
That’s beneath you BirdsOPrey. And to think I starred your early comments even though I didn’t agree with your well-reasoned arguments.
Tin foil hat time.
Too much logic!
You certainly won’t be the world champion of spelling, grammar or making a coherent, well-reasoned argument.