
I really wish you posted a coherent argument citing reputable sources instead of constantly blaming those that disagree with you. Check out BirdOPrey. I don’t agree with them, but they can make a reasonable argument.

Which is why I didn’t vote for Obama in 2012. Still, at least you are making well-reasoned arguments from reputable news sources. You almost have me convinced.

It’s cheap and highly effective PR because people like you eat it up.

I really like this socialist agenda.

You do realize Breitbart is not a regimental news source and a purveyor of the “fake news” that your president routinely whines about.

Walmart said it’s giving its employees a raise. And then it closed 63 stores. 

You really shouldn’t type in all-caps. It betrays a certain ignorance.

Bad news, none of those things loves you back.

Brilliant reply. Part of me wishes I could restrain my smack-talking and stick to presenting well-reasoned contextualized arguments like yours, but I am only human. I am definitely not a smack-talking super computer. No matter what anyone may have told you.

Fine. Convince me. Show me some fact-based evidence that this tax bill doesn’t widen income inequality.

Judo Sensei! Nice. Are you secretly Kane from Kung Fu? Wandering from town to town Judo-chopping right-wing fascists?

it’s hilarious to see how in denial everyone here is about the tax cuts actually working

Ah, the right-wing mind: Delivering arguments that can fit on a bumper-sticker. All of the intellectual capacity of an aborted fetus.

$1000 is not insignificant to someone in the working class struggling to make ends meet.

Woof! I think we just entered tin-foil hat land with that comment! Do aliens speak to you through your teeth-fillings or is it the voice of god?

I like the cut of your jib! I’m follow you. You’re sassy!

People like TeamAmerica are so simple and stupid but smug about it. Its so sad. They think Trump and the Republicans actually care about them and will enact policies that will help them. But they just can’t admit they’re being cornholed all the while admitting how great it is.

Since I’ve bowed to pressure and have finally outed myself and a completely non-partisan and totally objective super-thinker I can finally admit that I find your comments equally hilarious and your ignorance also kind of terrifying.

I’ve admitted to being a non-partisan thinker.

“There’s a sucker born every minute.” Rather than read the Republican Talking Points how about reading some actual, non-fantasy, truth-based journalism.