
If they are increasing compensation it is by a laughably trivial amount. Do you really think that the Republican tax bill does anything to address income inequality? It actually makes it worse.

The corporate apologists, also known as the typical Republican voter, do not like math, let alone facts.

Don’t insult the wealthy like that! They’re better than us because they have more money!

You get a check from a corp I bet.

Really? A whole $1000? Wow! And how many companies have done this? And where is this “actual news” you refer to? Breitbart, Fox, and the Daily Caller don’t count.

“You’ll take whatever you get and you’ll like it.” Is the official Republican fiscal policy.

Bloody heap of bullshit indeed! But they have to keep up the facade so that the masses of sycophantic right wing plebs will continue to be happy to be shit upon.

Another day, another ignorant person worships at the feet of the wealthy, happy to be their doormat.

I’m with you. It’s easier for haters to relegate those that disagree into a predetermined role that is easily attacked. It’s intellectually lazy and sad.

The problem with the Babe story is the underlying lack of agency that is unwittingly attributed to Grace. Women are not powerless.

All I got out of the mindless incoherence of evilturtleface’s comments was something about being a proud member of the Bernie-Butthurt Squad.

What part of “I’d happily have voted for Bernie if he won” don’t you understand? Reading comprehension not your strong suit?

I’m over it. Are you?

great plan and isnt driving more racial tension at all.

At some point we have to stop, that point is basically the end of WWII, after which the US used its new superpower status to force European nations to give up their colonies to self rule.

I’m a successful white male

Did you know in Wyoming it is illegal to take a picture of a rabbit from January to April without an official permit?

Consider it a meta-version, seeing as how that is exactly what you initially posted. And not so much a “defense” as a critique”. If it makes you feel better I would have happily voted for Bernie if he won the nomination.

Well said. +1 for not being part of the “my way or burn it all down” contingent. I’m so sick of those assholes.

As opposed to the Bernie-butthurt squad? Let it go. He lost.