
Really? Because I doubt you could find those things with a map, a magnifying glass, and LIGO. And that last one is so sensitive it can detect fucking gravity waves.

Yet another person who can’t tell the difference between their asshole and their mouth.

Very well said. However, I don’t think Mr. Reburns is capable of comprehending your argument. He’s too busy “turning off his brain”.

Both abilities you seem to lack.

You are the true definition of a self-righteous nihilist.

For someone who “turns of their brain” that was a hell of an intellectual circle-jerk. Life is so profound and complex that no art or literature can reveal the true nature of life? Yeah, keep believe that sweetie.

Well said.

Yes, fantastical superhuman beings completely precludes the possibility of depth. I guess all Greek myths are fairly lame by that criterion. That Homer, he was just complete shit amirite?

To extend the analogy further, there is an amazing restaurant around the corner that you’ve never been to. It serves up the finest is gourmet cuisine. In this case super-hero comics that aren’t crap. But you’re not interested in going because you’ve already decided it’s crap.

No. I’d say stupidity and intellectual laziness is your problem. You must be a real hoot at parties.

As a teenager I was reading Dickens, Austen, and Conan Doyle. Oh, and wait! Superhero comics, which actually have literary merit whether you’re turned-off brain can actually comprehend that.

I think you have a fairly narrow range of comic book reading experience if you think that all comics boil down to “fantastical silliness”. Again, trying turning your brain ON once in awhile.

You’ve been reading the wrong comics. Or more likely: You don’t read comics and you make a bunch of asinine assumptions. Maybe you should try turning your brain ON once in awhile.

What about making them play flag football? Or two-hand touch? Surely that would be safer.

Just message AlxFromPhilly on Kinja, you can ask them yourself.

From up-thread:

Ditto. I have three FB friends who say they’ll stay home if Bernie isn’t nominated.

I hate this trend. Why not sent them in different time periods instead of concurrently. Also, I think Peter Parker retiring and being a mentor to Miles Morales would be a nice evolution of the character. And you can still do Peter Parker Spider-Man stories set in the past.