I will happily join you in letting it kill me with happy gob-fulls of food goodness.
I will happily join you in letting it kill me with happy gob-fulls of food goodness.
Wow. That wasn’t just a copy of a copy. That was a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy.
If you’re one of the small population of Americans currently in comas or encased in metal vaults
Why are droids second-class citizens in the Star Wars universe? Why are they treated like people of color were in the USA pre-1950s (we don’t serve their kind)? Will they revolt? Boycott X-Wings? When will droids get equal rights?
Wow. That is some seriously short term thinking. I’m glad you’re not in charge of anything. Except maybe a Dairy Queen in the midwest?
Thank you for bringing some much needed intelligence to this rather absurd discussion.
That is way too reasonable for these idiots.
You do realize that film was satirizing the idiocy of American intervention into Vietnam, right?
Internet comment of the day!
Uhg. I just got a second job where they continually emphasize that we are not to work more than four hours without a break. So I’m constantly having to revise my hours downward so that I don’t get into trouble. I’m grouchy about it, but I got to pay the bills.
Call me neo-methusian if you like, but even if all of the criticisms levied at Planned Parenthood were true (and obviously it’s not), but even if they were fetus selling abortion factories, I’d pair them with Starbuck’s on every corner.
Great reporting. Keep up the good work!
To be fair to Best Buy/Target employees, they get paid shit, so I understand their lack of expertise and helpfulness when it comes to things like electronics, television and customer service. If they got paid a living wage, I’d reconsider.
Sorry y’all. As much as I like him, his passion and his policies, Bernie can’t win.
And with that statement you have proved to the world that you are a horrible person. Please don’t procreate.
Great reporting! Thanks Mr. McKenna.
So I use a Wacom tablet and Photoshop to draw comics. Will the Apple Pencil and iPad Pro be as sensitive or is it just a novelty?
When I read the headline for a brief moment I thought “WiiU” then I thought “No, it has to be the Virtual Boy”. Boom. Yep.
I prefer abstract gaming. Give me a Koopa’s head to jump on and I’m a happy camper. Guess I’m old school like that.
Actual it is in fact the case. Just because you doubt it doesn’t make it any less true. Sorry, your delusions don’t alter reality.