
Agreed — I’ve noticed they bring up the Catholic Church a lot, too.

Thank you! When people say that, I immediately suspect a troll trying to distract everyone.

But, but, but... the Crusades!

Also, on the second point, while that clearly looks bad, and is fucking terrible for her boss, it probably says more about the interrogators than it does her. If you look at, for example, the Central Park Five, many of them implicated each other, because they were told after a long interrogation that the detectives

I'm certainly willing to join you on a campaign to force companies not to allow their superhero costumes, toys, foodstuffs, clothing and other brand-name items to be used to give seriously ill children some joy in their lives; all so that we don't have to wrestle with whether a company is doing this from a pure heart

That's true, my "evil genius" stereotype might be overly generous as to the latter label.

Using your analogy, the tax return was delivered to the IRS, who confirmed receipt of your tax return, approved it, paid your refund, then came back later and said you didn't mail in your return...

Any time someone firmly believes that "god" is on their side, they are capable of anything. Whichever god that may be.

I should turn it into a drinking game.

It is absolutely behind-the-scenes and being done, at least in my circles. The group I work with does a lot of marching and we had a die-in, but we also lobby for the creation of a civilian review board to oversee the police, as well as a People's Platform that we want to see our elected officials pledge to. Other

Your assumption here is a problem. You assume that the commenter is looking for a prize. They aren't. They are saying they don't need to apologize for sympathy and empathy which is offered without reward to all walks of life. That the automatic assumption (on your part, it would seem) that they are saying these

American nuns, at least, have a long history of clashing with the Church because of their lack of obedience.

Many Christians don't believe in an inerrant Bible. They believe in the basic tenants of the faith while acknowledging its shortcomings and, frankly, some of its batshit crazy aspects. They find solace in something beyond the human experience and use it to encourage them to lead good lives. What's wrong with that?


The Immaculate Conception does not refer to Jesus' birth. It refers to Mary, Jesus' mom, being born without sin.

So what if they do? It's only a problem if they deny the reality that's around them or try to make others believe what they do.

The second someone refers to themselves as a "taxpayer," I immediately tune out.

I fully agree with you re Janney. Sorkin got lucky there and so did the show runners who came in after him, because her skill as an actress allowed for her rise in later seasons to be believable. Honestly Donna's rise was hard to stomach at first because Janel Maloney had had very little to build her character off,

I can't stand her, but damn if I don't agree with her on this one. Vegans are as annoying and preachy about their beliefs as evangelical Christians. And just as wrong too.

Not having cable is not a problem.

Can we please not apply "Privilege" to fucking cable TV shows when there is much more important stuff going on in the world? Way to make a mockery of actual issues affected by actual privilege.