A Christmas Carol is most definitely a ghost story. It's got four ghosts, at least two of which are incredibly disturbing.
A Christmas Carol is most definitely a ghost story. It's got four ghosts, at least two of which are incredibly disturbing.
Hah! I just watched it recently, and I really liked it! I am in a movie education phase where I'm putting an effort into watching more classics. Some of them can drag at times, but this one was so amazingly quippy and fast-paced!
I'm curious why you don't think you can trust health care workers coming back from a hot zone to take their temperature twice a day and realize when they are symptomatic. The only chance they have of surviving the disease is to get as much medical care as possible as soon as they possibly can. It's in their own best…
...or it began as allegory in the first place. If the creation stories recorded in Genesis were meant to be taken literally, why would there be two conflicting versions back-to-back? Signed, a slightly less condescending atheist.
This attitude of "Holy shit a religious person said a reasonable thing! What???!!!" is condescending and ignorant. There are literally billions of people who hold some kind of religious belief, with a huge variety and diversity of views on any number of subjects. Assuming that "religion" = "fundamentalist,…
Lapsed Catholic here. There is a lot that I disagree with the church on, but when people talk out their ass and take any opportunity to shit on it "BECAUSE RELIGION" is annoying as fuck.
This is so annoying. There are many, many things wrong with the Catholic Church but the belief that evolution does not conflict with Catholic teaching has been upheld since the 1950s. Catholic fundamentalism really is quite a different thing from Protestant fundamentalism.
As has been pointed out numerous times on any number of outlets (including Gawker), this is not new for Catholics. Catholicism has never believed in Biblical literalism, evolution has pretty much always been a non-controversial idea, and the guy who first proposed the Big Bang Theory, Georges Lemaître, was a Catholic…
It's bad form to say things like that: completely damning and also absolutely vague. You're an anonymous commenter asserting your expertise without offering so much as a link. And until I've heard at least one example of what you're talking about combined with a legitimate secondary source (not The Drudge Report, for…
I don't see how it's possible to rank them. They are all horrendous acts that need to end. Let's not open the can of worms that people justify rape because it's 'not as bad' as murder. They are all awful. full stop.
That was one of my least favorite movies of all time! I was way down to laugh at religious extremists but he didn't even let them talk. He just said a bunch of smug bullshit that was supposed to definitively prove them wrong. And his anti-Islam bias was obvious in that movie. It was like "Christian fundamentalists are…
How can Bill Maher even be considered an atheist when he so obviously worships himself?
Also, I'm not sure how fair it would be to hold a 34 year old woman accountable for shit she said/done when she was 13. I cringe at the shit I said/did when I was that age - cringe, I tell you - and thank The Flying Spaghetti Monster that there's little/no video of me acting like that (not that anyone would give 2…
It could also be that Dr. Luke preyed on individuals he deemed "weaker" or easier to convince and Perry was not one of them. Abusers like this have very specific targets in mind and they don't often show that side to anyone but their victims.
She isn't declaring her own neutrality, but rather the neutrality of the process. Academic vetting of survey-based research methods is intense and frustratingly exacting. It is a solid bulwark about claims against the construction of her research design and is not offered as a direct defense of her analysis of…
I'm now going with Occam—I think they didn't count.
I love this excerpt, but I have to point this out: