
Just want to note that while it is true that Bachelor in Paradise did have that same sex proposal by Demi, that thing turned out so awkward so fast that it still makes me cringe to think about it. Not the proposal, but what took place after the show.

In a hypothetically situation you would be kept in a small room for a period of 6 months. You will be hooked up to an IV so you don’t dehydrate. You will be given various pharmaceuticals to keep you numb, yet awake and fully aware. You will slowly be disassembled. First your toes and fingers. Then hands and feet.

Wow, even in the comments here I’m seeing someone use a slur. Chappelle really activated the worst scum around.

Damn. I can’t get out of the grays, but this awful transphobe can? WTF? Or is this just some deep satire on another level?

Go fuck yourself. Hilarious you are just upset at them as they are at Chappelle. Don’t you see the fucking irony you transphobic piece of shit.

George St Geegland is exactly the person he is.

I mean, I do remember “was John Mulaney in a frat” being one of the autocomplete interview questions in an old Wired video, so I get it.

Any chance that hateful losers like “kyle james” here could be shown the door? I don’t know what mental illness compels him to spend time here, but perhaps he should be encouraged to go play outside.

People gotta remember that Mulaney is basically just a coked-out frat boy and stop expecting better of him.

I used to really like Chappelle. He used comedy to mock bigotry and intolerance. Now he’s an intolerant bigot, and he’s just not funny.

It’s so bizarre that people are this threatened by the idea that beauty comes in all flavors.  If you’re not personally interested, move along!  No one is coming to your house to force you to love a certain way, except for conservatives.  What a boring world we would live in if everyone enjoyed exactly the same thing.

I’m having visions of an Y tu mamá también remake set in the Star Wars universe.  

And yet I’d be fine waking up next to either, hangover or not.

“these apparent intergalactic orgies”

THANK YOU! That is exactly it, and it’s been bugging me forever. 

i got a touch of the facial blindness, but anytime i see The Mandolorian guy i think the Rogue One guy must’ve woken up w/ a bad hangover.

Mare Winningham was Val Kilmer’s high school sweetheart. Goose married to Iceman’s ex.

After reading about Marc Anthony and his soon to be child bride, it’s nice read about a great age appropriate couple.

One of the best things about this is how Edwards accepts the praise but then passes it on. He did an impressive then, and then he immediately pivots to shout out the swings, who often learn several roles within a production and who have to go on at a moment’s notice. A true gentleman. 

I am delighted to learn they are a couple. Wendy and Goose 4eva!