I’ve been reading a lot of “monster” smut and I feel like I have been training for this all pandemic! 10/10 yes
I’ve been reading a lot of “monster” smut and I feel like I have been training for this all pandemic! 10/10 yes
how many times can I star this
it’s one of my top 5!! incl the puppy welcome to hell one
This season really cemented my absolute disdain for the sentient potato Colton. It was like watching my middle school relationships well lit and in exotic locations?? Also I think Colton and production are totally manipulative and Cassie is not fucking interested. Weirdly ok with Hannah B and I can’t wait for her to…
I really struggle with this season (for a lot of reasons) but primarily SO much is focused on the sexual status of Colton and the contestant but production very consciously omits any and all references to religion, something that’s affecting most if not all of their sexual choices. IT MAKES ME NUTS
She and Cassie both went to Biola which is a private Christian college in California that has pretty serious fraternization rules and I 100% think it’s because of religion/purity
she was meeting HIS parents which they don’t do for hometowns (they would be meeting hers) so I think the date will be where his family is from maybe?
I’m confused in that every ticket I’ve bought in the last couple years I’ve picked my seat on?? So if she didn’t want the middle seat she should have chosen a window or aisle from the beginning. If she got her ticket late, too bad. If she wanted more room, go to first class or economy plus. She is a disrespectful likel…
FUCK JD and fuck this company
uhh Trace you dumbshit
He was the wooooooooooooorst
It’s such a better look for him
When I saw the pictures on twitter pop up with her on the night of the show I honestly thought someone was trolling by photoshopping her in? It never crossed my mind that she was there because it was so visually jarring
Apparently on Dark Angel he was dating Jessica Alba when she was 18-19 and he was 30 and that he got Jensen Ackles fired because he didn’t want a competing and possibly better looking love interest for her. sideeye.gif