
I hate to break it to you, but I'm pretty sure those people are racist.


I don't give a shit how black you are, when you make ridiculous statements decrying "the African-American community as a whole" for how they treat gendered minorities. The whole point of saying that whypipo treat gendered minorities badly too is to say the problem is an AMERICAN problem, not an exclusively or even

Hey, did you know that, in direct opposition to your ignorant statement, black Protestants are more tolerant of homosexuality than white evangelicals? So, how about go fuck yourself?

Not to my knowledge. I always heard "Latin" referred to as the language, and "Latin American" or "Latino" to people from Mexico, Central, and South America.

You're "GUESSING" motherfucker? Who gives a shit about your "guessing." I'm TELLING you that plenty of Latinx people use "Latinx," and it literally takes 0% of your time to just use the goddamn word, already.

I hear you.

I understand, and it's… not *terrible.* But at this stage, I cringe everytime I hear the "chocolate" broken out to describe black people, especially by non-black people.

Too cliched. Just… way too cliched. Rich, mahogany brown. Light, toasted peanut brown. Dark obsidian. Just, no more chocolate and coffee, please.

Yeah, I'm beginning to think Trump might be an ineffective and terrible president.

This has been a completely bonkers week. I guarantee you, most people (including, apparently, the entire GOP) didn't see this coming. Shout outs to Murkowski and Collins for being consistent, though.

One major difference between Trump and Dr. Umar is that Umar is only messing over small numbers of wanna-be-hotep black people, one group at a time; Trump out here messing over errrrrrbody.

One major difference between Trump and Dr. Umar is that Umar is only screwing over small numbers of wanna-be-hotep black people, one group at a time; Trump out here screwing over errrrrrbody.

Yeah! What could possibly be racist about calling a black man "boy," getting called on it, and then doing it AGAIN 2 days later, while also saying "half black from the waist down" (because all black men have big dicks lol), and gyrating for "all the black women" in the audience?

¡Si, señor!

I stopped watching this show after That Thing That Happened in S4 in the Trial by Combat. After that, I was like, heck no. This is just gratuitous cruelty to the audience, I don't care how many crappy boy-kings eat it, it can't make up for this.

I stopped watching this show after That Thing That Happened in S4 in the Trial by Combat. After that, I was like, hell no. This is just gratuitous cruelty to the audience, I don't care how many terrible boy-kings eat it, it can't make up for this.

I stopped watching this show after That Thing That Happened in S4 in the Trial by Combat. After that, I was like, hell no. This is just gratuitous cruelty to the audience, I don't care how many crappy boy-kings eat it, it can't make up for this.

So… some women slaves may have chosen sexual servitude in order to make sure their children weren't beaten mercilessly in the fields? *That's* your great defense of slavery? Dude, get the f outta here, man.

I can't believe you would post something like this, which is so obviously untrue, and borderline inflammatory. "You buy a gun and some camo"? Are you kidding me? Everyone knows you can wear uniform blues, and the gun is provided for free by the local police department.