
Is this the new “Dr Pepper 10" tactic they’re taking with Sprite to ensure men know it’s okay to drink? Like was the soda getting too tinged with Lady, or what...?

Been there! Mine was cheating on me (I didn’t know it at the time) and told me he was moving out because I was too sad. My mother had just died and I made sure I only cried in the car and never at home. I kept asking for a reason that made sense and that is all I got! He also told me that he *might* come back if I

Where do I get me a pair of those fabulous over-sized fuschia sunglasses??

Oh that is too PRECIOUS.

Seconded. You look way better than I look before the sun comes out/much coffee.

“I was absolutely appalled this morning when I turned on the television for my weather report and was not sexually engorged immediately! Plus, I spotted what might be “fat” under an arm that was near the boobal area. MINE EYES.”

You’ll hear a dull screaming noise coming from your ovaries.