
You kid dirtside, but if mid 80's JC directed an adaptation of “Romeo and Juliet” starring Kurt Russell it would be my favorite movie.

There is no such thing as “medium rare plus”. Your steak is being cooked medium. The same goes for “well done, but not burned”.

You watched it, you can’t unwatch it!

What do I have to do to never have you post that again?

That’s the first time I’ve actually seen a picture of Jeff Bezos. Is he actually trying to look like a supervillian?

Oh that Doctuar

On a related note, Cobb Infinite Energy Arena in Atlanta is not that bad.

 Real question: does having “occasionally clunky” dialogue, yet capturing the spirit of the original material qualify an adaptation for an Oscar? I personally thought “Logan” should’ve won for both dialogue and scenario.

I’m not familiar with her work, but judging from that picture I’d gladly make a Faustian bargain to just have a shot with her.

“Your target literally has a Mexican dude on it!” Made me laugh so hard, I had to pause the episode for a good five minutes.

This is exactly what the NRA’s members believe. Surrounding yourself with weapons will make you invincible. As long as you have your Cobalt Blue Binky, you and your family are safe. The reality is, most humans hate hurting people. It’s why society works. Not to mention, what good would a concealed handgun do against

It sticks to his leg on hot days.

As long as I can still sneak my pint of whiskey in my jacket pocket, I’m good.

They are very good. And if anyone doesn’t think Bryan Devendorf is a great drummer, they don’t know shit about shit.

Agreed. My favorite guitar is a Squier Strat with dual humbuckers that I bought new for 200 bucks when I was 19. I upgraded the pickups for about 120$. I have friends with Gibson’s that ask to borrow it for gigs.

 Beat me to it.

What are the chances that there’s a Christian Rock cover of the Pixies “Gouge Away” in this movie? Cause that would be amazingly bad.

Why stop there? Let’s go ahead and set up a whole Roald Dahl cinematic universe! James, Charlie, Matilda, Mr. Fox, the unnamed kid from “The Witches” and the BFG team up to stop Wonka (who turns out to be the Big Bad). It’ll be greenlit because nothing matters and life is pain.

If you only like the music that’s played on the radio at any age, you’re not really into music.

I wonder if this guy’s attention to detail is so great that he made the Cornballer get dangerously hot. “Every damn time!”