
You don’t need to, just read up on institutional racism at your local library.

To be fair, Gary Busey has literally been living with brain damage for like 30 years. 

Now it's Fisher Stevens' time to shine! 

I don’t see why, those are perfectly cromulent words. 

Just a crazy thought, how about we trim 7 billion from the 71 billion we spend on "secret" military projects and make sure we can feed and house our most vulnerable citizens? 

Don Swayze?

Thanks for shouting out Tiny Toons. I might’ve never gone down the rabbit hole of weird music if it wasn’t for that episode. 

We’re just going to ignore that a Catholic group was playing very close attention to a teenaged boy's bulge? 

That’s quite a Modest Proposal.

There shouldn’t even be a replay. Boot the team from the tournament, and ban them for the next tournament. No TV money, no money from visiting bigger stadiums if they advance. Next time these idiots decide to pipe up, their fellow supporters take care of the problem with their fists.

Maybe be the next Cruyff! A generational talent who only ever got a silver medal. 

Finally, mediocre white women are getting the same amount of second chances in TV as mediocre white men!

Yet she hasn't come up with a Flamas-crusted chicken sandwich yet? Step your game up. ETA: that would also work with a fish taco. 

I’ve got a bad feeling about his family. 

I usually add 8-12 oz after I toast my spices with my aromatics and tomato paste, but before I add my tomatoes. Then comes the bay leaf, fish sauce and Worcestershire. Finish with some stock and simmer.  Good times are had by all. 

He should’ve battered and deep fried the eye. 3 out of five stars.

R.I.P to one of the all time great songwriters. What he did with the Cars is so deceptively simple, all streamlined pop perfection. We'll miss you Ric.

Kickboxer is better.