
This has always been my favorite Christmas movie. I've seen it every year since I was 6 and it never fails to make me burst into tears. As Gwen put it, it is a perfect story of redemption. And a great lesson for the end of the year; we can all make amends for the things we've done wrong, the people we've hurt. As long

Pacific Rim 2: Electric Kaijuloo

He was great in that jewel thief movie.

"Korwellians" is right there.

I would totally binge watch both Boobs Princess and Angry Dad Sheriff. Are you accepting spec scripts?

The most terrible thing about the revival (which I did enjoy) was that Mitchum fucking Huntzberger was right all along! Damnit ASP!

I have the weirdest boner right now.

Fascinating interview. My favorite part was when she said "I'm not going to jump on the Trump bandwagon" immediately followed by; "I was a Marco Rubio girl for a long time, until I saw how Donald Trump was reaching people." Cognitive dissonance, thy name is the GOP.

Miracles are by definition rare. The sheer amount of humans and trees on the planet preclude miraculousness.

The A.V. Club

These puns will ring out loud for a thousand years!

I would watch the hell out of that.

EMG, now Imma let you finish… But pistachio is the greatest pudding of all time!

"The cyanide's kicking in."

The joke was about people being scared over nothing, then putting it into action. It may have been poorly constructed, but the outrage over it justifies the premise of said joke.

So forgive me in advance, but wasn't the joke about how Trump voters hate the very idea of how liberals allow for a rejection of the false dichotomy of gender? And this scares an unfortunately prevalent population of the country. How was this Colin Jost's fault?

Yes, the April storyline was terrible. Lorelei + Christopher made me want to punch a wall. But are we forgetting season 7's greatest crime? The Lane Kim Debacle?

I'm not ashamed of any of my culinary proclivities, but the one that people look at me funny the most is Heinz ketchup on my mom's rice. It's basically a traditional northern Mexican rice (tomato, onion, garlic and chicken broth). But something about the Heinz recipe just works with it. The increased umami just makes

Damn it Ben. If the last 12 months have taught us anything, it's that 2016 only takes good things away from us. Scalia notwithstanding.

"Love is not a victory march, it's a cold and very broken hallelujah" might be the best lyric ever written. God I hate this year.