

Hijacking the thread for a minute, is anyone else diving in to pop culture comfort food right now? I'm watching Scott Pilgrim. I was going to do Episode IV, but the idea of "rebellion" leaves a bad taste in my mouth at the moment.

I've been following live feeds and I've got a bad feeling about this…

Don't ever beat yourself up about your quirks Dik. They're what make you who you are. Everyone has them. And if this dude didn't appreciate them, fuck him.

Yay! You won the battle! And proved my bigger point! Thanks for playing!

Bad cops! Bad cops!

Since trump isn't going to be president, it's a moot point. But yes, I believe they would. Approving the invasion of Iraq because Cheney and co. manipulated intelligence to their own misguided ends is vastly different than authorising a nuclear strike because the president got his knickers in a twist. Relax.

A president can't just launch nuclear weapons whenever they feel like it. That's only in the movies. A president also can't declare war without congressional approval. There are checks on presidential powers for a reason. Trump has no chance of winning, but it wouldn't matter that much.

We are in agreement that this period in history is terrible. But every period in history is terrible. It is in the nature of humanity to be awful. It is also in our nature to be altruistic and compassionate. Trump won't win because of that.

I dont know about that.We have had slavery, internment camps, stealing the entire southwest from Mexico and the systematic murder of basically the entire indigenous population. But yeah, an old dude no one likes might become president, that is the bleakest of times. Ffs.

It's the role he was born to play baby!

Celery is an aromatic vegetable Xandy. It is a flavor base for sauces or broths. It's like the bassist of food; it's never going to be the star… But you would miss it if it wasn't there.

I thought I couldn't be more disappointed by Johnny Depp, and then I saw that header picture. It's possible to play guitar and not look like an asshole Johnny!

So have they dissolved the Secret Service by this point? Three presidents have been abducted at this point.

They're coarse and gritty… and they get everywhere.

You do realize that "A New Hope" wasn't made to be part of a trilogy? That's why it's a better standalone film? TFA was exactly what it was supposed to be, a palette cleanser to get the prequels out of our minds. FFS, J.J got a performance out of Harrison Ford! No director had done that for 20 years!

I'd be very disappointed if one of the two Beatles songs I heard was "Birthday". Dear God I hate that song. But other than that, I'm super jealous.

Have Justin Theroux and Ron Livingston ever been in the same room? When I saw a picture of him and Jennifer Aniston together I thought "Aww, they met on the set of "Office Space" and years later they're in love."

You guessed it…Frank Stallone.