
I'm not your enemy Lilith. And if you look at my history, you would see that I make peace with most everyone that I have disagreed with. I would like to do the same with you, but you're making it very hard to.

Because we seemingly can't disagree on a fucking mediocre sitcom without arguing. The tone of your comments indicates a incredibly defensive attitude. Look, I understand keeping your hands up in life. But this should be a fun place to discuss pop culture. The stakes are incredibly low, and we should behave accordingly.

not me. others. I honestly wouldn't care less if you attacked me. But this holier than thou atttitude you project while branding others as misogynistic and worse is incredibly hypocritical.

I would prefer not to cite things in a public forum, but if you scroll through your comment history there are quite a few examples of that.

I would respectfully disagree. Love them or hate them, the prequels represent the unvarnished vision of George Lucas.

It's my fault for expecting civility when discussing something as meaningless as a network sitcom.

I'd prefer not to indulge your particular brand of crazy. All the best.

You like the show Lilith, that's fine. What's not fine is you attacking people for having a difference of opinion. Have a nice evening.

People confused it with a Tyler Perry show.

I get the reaction. I do it myself. We're all here for the same reason, we love pop culture and have strong opinions about it. I can be a bit self righteous from time to time, thanks for understanding.

We already have the prequels. A leaden trilogy that ignores basically everything we loved about the original films? Have George Lucas and Andy Kaufman ever been photographed together?

Damn it! I should really sync up my phone! I've got no beef with you Eric, but my analogy is the most apt I can think of for a bunch of attractive people acting in the most stereotypical ways a non nerd believes nerds act. That's all.

My question was rhetorical, but I'm glad someone has appointed themselves the spokesperson for all non white folks.

Thank God you're around to give us the only valid opinion about this show Lilith.

I'm not white either! Any other ways to derail my argument?

How do you go out in the sun with such thin skin?

It's a nerd minstrel show.

Mindy Project, Community, Enlisted, 30 Rock, The Grinder just off the top of my head. I understand why they keep it on, it's a multicam show that makes a shitload of money for the network.

*canned applause*

Upvoted for the deep cut "Dead Zone" reference.