
No it isn't. But just think of how many brilliant shows were cancelled because of a suit who said things like "if it's so good, why isn't doing BBT numbers? " Then you might understand the vitriol.

Not really dude. I see it for exactly what it is. I don't look at things through a myopic racial lens though. And since you're clearly such a brilliant screenwriter, what praytell would you have done here?

The Arctic Monkeys first four records are stone cold classics of post 2000's rock. The very idea that you would purge them makes me question this whole endeavor.

Wow man, the role was written as an analog to Winston Zeddmore from the original Ghostbusters. Therefore what Ghost was commenting on was the fact that the "black" role was more of an afterthought than anything. They happened to choose an actress purely for the recognition they hope their target audience will have of

I really love Jack as a producer. The drum sound on this is incredible.

I think he read the script and saw that the two leads were both whiny with daddy issues.He made a choice to try to show a contrast between the heroes and himself. It was the right desicion IMO.

I'm not white dude, but it's very telling that you immediately make it racial just because I don't think she can carry a film.

I actually thought he was the only watchable part of B v S. His performance was funny and engaging. Did you really need another grimdark character in that movie?

Bateman Returns


Because Leslie Jones can carry a film all by herself. She cant carry a 5 minute sketch. Pick another hill to die on Ghost.

Are you guys trying to make Whovian's head explode?

From the story I read, he managed to climb into the enclosure. So it's possible these weren't great parents? And I hate every ape I see, from chimpana to chimpanzee.

Dan Aykroyd ain't afraid of no posts.

"And you never once paid for drugs! Not once"

Yeah, but being the most accomplished reality tv star is like being the most progressive Nazi. Which he kind of is.

"No reration".

I quote his parts constantly.

My God… They're evolving.

Did he say "Jehovah"?