
I have! I barely have a memory of it though bc it was on a flight back from South Korea I think! Those long flights blur, lol. I remember loving his voice as always, finding Anna Kendrick slightly annoying, and being disappointed in his character. But I overall liked the movie - the music was great. Really anything

"Broadway, Here I Come" is a revelation and I have no shame in admitting
it was the very moment I fell head over freaking heels in love with
Jeremy Jordan. And still listen to it. Regularly. Super duper regularly.
Including the a capella version in the series finale (Leslie Odom,
Jr!!) If that is Smash's lasting

That blue belt was everything.

That was everything that I love about Elijah that I would likely bemoan on anyone else. Peak Elijah is a glossy, glittery, amazing thing!

This might be the best line in Girls' history, if not the history of television!!

It's the astronomer husband from Mystic Pizza!!!! I get such joy spotting him in various series and Lifetime movies. I still have such a crush on him from that movie - even though he was a lying cheater, what does that say about me I don't want to know. I just think, "All those stars and coments don't come cheap….."

Oh hmm I hadn't thought that about Saul, but I agree re the spoliery moment of Carrie in the opening. It looks like she is wearing the same outfit and that Quinn is staging the proof of death picture.

hahaha yess!!! I DEFINITELY went to Incredible Universe….that wouldve been an impressive reference for the show to drop in :)

Gotcha. I am sure I have some actual floppy disks around somewhere still, as obsolete relics of a completely bygone era :)

To be clear I wasn't really "surprised." I know the older style bills are not unicorns or 4-leaf clovers - they are not that rare to find in circulation, I just don't see them personally on the regular. But my comment was more about appreciating that the show used the older-style bill. It's a not a particularly

No I still don't get them like, well, mostly everybody. I haven't used one in some time - or maybe I just don't notice, bc I feel like it's rare for them to pop up in circulation. Mostly I was just happy to the attn to detail that they made sure to use the older-style bill. Not a hawk-eye attention to detail or

Well that answers it! I just don't remember seeing or going to a Best Buy until the late 90s, there wasn't one near me. CompUSA is where I spent most of my Saturday mornings - which is both kinda sad and undeniably awesome.

But to be fair, Christian Slater has kind of looked the same to me at least in the past 10 years. ;)

Ok so some additional, scattered non-consequential thoughts:

OK so I just rewatched - Tyrell says it seems you have been busy, when will let me know what you are planning we are meant to be allies, we might just want the same thing, I need to be involved. I don't know what game you are playing when will you cut the bullshit don't you remember I know your dirty little secret…..

Ah ok, if that's all that was said than never mind - I have to rewatch bc I thought he made more direct mention to fsociety.

Yes that makes sense - I just assumed she wanted a divergent opinion bc she had just been told no by "someone else." It's possible that after blowing up she hoped Elliot would have a more reasonable reaction. And it also makes more sense now that she looked to him with such authority, to give a definitive answer,

Right, I totally understand that. But she was reacting to both responses - so I have to figure that he expressed both sentiments/opinions. Just maybe not as bombastically as his Mr. Robot "manifestation" did. He came down to being more patient and reasonable once the initial dissension was expressed.

Yes, all fantastic points - I was wondering about the detox episode, too. During the "hack" on Steel Mountain, I believe the two other FSociety guys never directly speak with Mr. Robot. So I am assuming that is Elliot talking back to them that he has this covered? When he decides to cut down the tour guide in order to

Is that what NJ Transit trains look like now? looked more like an LIRR or Metro North car to me. Not debating that Elliot is from NJ (would also make sense since he and Angela were friends as kids, and that is where she is from), I am just wondering about the train cars! But I have not travelled on NJ Transit in over