
Oh good, I am so glad I am not alone in my confusion/cues I picked up! I am looking forward to that "loose end" getting some answers.

yes exactly, when he was telling her not to execute the hack, she was screaming we have to we have to, and then asks Elliot to please tell her it's ok to execute, as a contrasting opinion to Mr. Robot's. So it was Elliot both times? guess that is possible. Actually, it totally is if it's a Jekyll/Hyde situation.


Oh man, amazing episode, even if the "conclusion" had been forecast for some time. Rami Malek is a revelation - I only really know him from Larry Crowne, so, yeah, I am gobsmacked. And this might be my favorite thing Christian Slater has ever done. Like so many others, I adored that cold open for a number of reasons,

I hate Joe, so much. If I had to hear him try to curry favor back with his children and force the issue with Laura and just talk all his pathetic nonsense talk…..luckily the episode ended and I had other things to be upset by!

I thought the same thing re: Leo and his weak-in-the-knees reaction to Beatrice/Karen. How old was he was when he drowned, was resuscitated and saw the reincarnated Beatrice? Maybe it has been a very long time? And with David dead and his family in semi-tatters, he is feeling more vulnerable? I dunno, grasping for

oh man funniest scene of the whole series imo, and I think it came after an especially emotional moment for me (Odi being taken away maybe? I know, I easily emote at things) so I appreciated that. When the camera switched to Niska's deadpan hostile face, and she is meant to be acting the part of the T-Rex she is

I am hopeful this will happen, too - in fact, I NEED IT TO HAPPEN! The teaser for next week shows the Hawkins family (and if Joe is there, I would like for him to leave asap, please) and Leo, Niska and Mia trying to resurrect someone lying on the table, so I am hoping that is Max! I have to go back and see if the

Oh man, I loved that scene. I love that he was kneeling, and smiled at his assessment of the likelihood of the presence of God. So interesting to me that this scene distilled "faith" to its core - believing in spite of evidence to the contrary - and that this sort of "feeling thinking" is coming from a synth.

He is just the worst. I don't even understand why he narc'd on Leo and Max. Is he really nervous about his family getting involved in some sentient synth project? Or more likely he wants to deflect or distract from the fact he possibly had sex with a feeling, sentient, enslaved being. Gross.

Yeah, I was mesmerized actually, but that had mostly to do with Hurt's delivery…loved the contrast of his (Millican's) warmth and sensitivity to Niska's harsh coldness, her way of looking at extremes and his of seeing the whole picture. Although Niska got sort of redundant sort of quickly, overall I really enjoyed

Freaked out by the picture, sure. And by Leo's general demeanor, sure (although I liked his lumberjack stripper joke). But I dunno why, I just found it odd that she would think it were completely implausible that her synth might not be factory-new as described, since I felt like she was already noticing anomalies. I

Yes, I saw that - it was the blonde with short hair. She was wearing the same sort of scrubby-looking outfit - long blue shirt and blue plants.

Also, was that Tosh from Torchwood playing Laura's coworker? Really loved seeing her, if so!

I thought it was his desperation more than anything that was clouding his judgment/cue reading abilities (if he has them, which I think he does). He has seemed sort of "on the verge" determined, or laser-focused in a way that was slightly unhinged, since the start of the series for me.

Yes, in fact slavery does gross me out - didn't know it had to be either/or. For Anita, for example, as a "domestic synth" to serve her family, does not entirely upset me as that is her program as a "gadget" to start. The more her humanity is revealed, however, or the more any "user's" feelings of positivity or

True, of course, and that's why I said she was right to be wary. I guess I just didn't see Leo as handling it quite that poorly. I mean, he did - he came off very strong once he grabbed her arm. But I understood his desperation and am sympathetic to it, more so than to Mattie in that situation (personal bias). It has

I felt the same way! Although she was clearly brilliant, I did not have the admiration or like of her some earlier commentators expressed. She just kind of seemed like a cynical, semi-bratty teenager immersed in ennui (and legit fear about her future employment prospects; that was a good touch). And I didn't love her

I was very confused by that too - did he expect Odi to find his way back? The idea of him alone and malfunctioning in the woods does make me very, very sad. Damn you anthropomorphism of synthetic objects!

Oh that's right! How could I forget the teapots. I saw Anderson pop up in the first episode as well, lol. It should be a drinking game of some sort to spot the actors.