
I went from 796 to 722 (transunion) from cancelling one creedit card. I had that card for about 15 years with my ex wife. Eqifax only went down about 20 points tho so YMMV

I just posted this but I have purchased at least 15 copies (for myself and clients) on StackSocial and have had only one issue with them. And the issue was they didnt give me the code right away. We had to wait a day for it, but it came and it worked fine.

I have purchased several (around 15 licenses in total) via StackSocial.com for both myself and clients. They have had this sale for at least 9 months now (ranging from $30-50) and every single one has been legit. 

But I wasn’t rude. I realized that the statement could have come across as rude. Rather than retying it, I added the disclamer. It’s the same shit. 

You obviously have no idea how game development works. (I dont mean that rudely). They havent had “years” to port the game. They started porting it when they decided to license it to the PC. As with any application, when a game is developed, it’s developed for a certain system (Windows, Mac, Linux, PS, Nintendo, etc).

Are you seriously saying that the majority of MacBooks that are locked are from individual users? As a journalist, you have some facts to back that up then right? Sorry, but I’m not buying it at all. I’d bet that 95% are from organizations who are unwilling to do anything about it cause it’s just easier to dump them. 

But I don’t want to put the blame on the user, here

This is the way.

But that’s hardly a “hidden” cost... (see article title)

How much does a home charging station install cost?
How much electricty would an average user use to charge the car yearly?

lol thats fair. ludicrous is the perfect wrod to describe this.

I swear, this continues to be the dumbest thing anyone has believed. So your hypothesis is that a bunch of 20 something guys took a soul from their business partner, put it in a briefcase and kept it at their apartment. To what end exactly? Did I miss a part where there was an open market for souls in this universe? I

This last one isn’t so much a hack as an oft-repeated platitude: “It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change.” If you’re trying to lose weight, please do not make this a lifelong process.

I mean, i’m happy it works for you, but I dont see this lasting for a long time at all. The pentium 1.1Ghz chip/4GB are like bare minimum to run Windows 10. I also wouldnt trust the SSD for anything. I’d bet good money it’s a no-name DRAMless chip which will wear out quickly. Just do yourself a favor and keep a good

In fairness to the author, it was the first line in the 3rd paragraph

I’ve installed these shitty $100 laptops for several clients. They are absolute garbage. I do not recommend these to anyone.

It’s not rocket science. You leave it in the box on your kitchen table and have it for breakfast the next morning.

lol I meant, merch from their webstores. but yea.. solid point.

Hey, it’s TayTay.. New album just dropped! Venmo & Cashapp links in my bio. Thanks fam!

https://www.guerrillamail.com/ was one that i used to use. Great for a single sign on to a site I would never use again. 10 minute mail was another one

Fred Ucker, Seth Hitter, Carol Unt and a whole slew of other people really appreciate the periods in corporate email addresses.