
Just buy merch!

lmgtfy - https://tidal.com/pricing

you are technically correct, but I was really looking forward to sitting down with the family and having a Brokeback Mountain / Texas Chainsaw Massace double feature. I’m sure the little ones will love it!

I thought it was gonna be an offshoot of “snow balling”. 

Well, after a short time, it’s really just a vat of acid. The first thing takes care of the second thing.

Damn it.. I can’t unsee that now.

The app I use (Strong) has a built in timer and allows you to add 3 different times on it. Pretty handy feature since youre there to enter in reps/weight anyways. Nice to see it’s on the Apple Watch as well.

I will never understand this. I saw this movie in the theaters. I live in MD. This was the “first” (technically, Cannibal Holocaust was the first) found footage movie genre and it’s just garbage. I’ve watched it a few times since and I have no idea what people find scary about snapping branches, rock piles, stick

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lol yes.. I meant nothing by it. Just had to put the reference in here.

Calm down 12...

I really think social media influencers and kids-of-celebs-turned-social-media-
influencers really need to ask themselves “Is this a new thing?” before posting it as a recently-discovered fashion trend. do something else with their lives.


Yes, it’s technically possible but highly unlikely. It’s a movie trope (Charlie Day’s character in Horrible Bosses was one). And the whole “declaring” themselves to neighbors thing is a myth. They also dont have to put out signs on halloween or any such nonsense. There are registries where you can see where sex

People don’t need any smartwatches at all. People want them. And if they want things, they can certainly buy things if they have the means.

1) Stop with the videos.

1. Find out the make/model number of your vacuum.
2. Google said make/model number with “how to clean” as a prefix
3. Watch Youtube video


“Secret” = being in existence for the past 22 years and is one of the very well known first steps for fixing any Mac with boot issues.

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You rest them on your shoulders. Go to around 8:32 on this vid. You’ll see how he holds the dumbbells on there. it’s not very comfortable and it gets difficult to hold and squat them.. but it can be done :)

Great one. I started working out at home about 1.5 years agoand here’s what I have purchased to do pretty much anything at home.

1. An adjustable bench (link below)
2. PowerBlocks freeweights 160lbs total. (these are a little expensive but have owned them for a while. Takes up very little space) - Just google
3. A good

100% this on all counts.