
How about deals on actually well rated from products sold by companies that treat their employees with decency and haven't decimated local economies unlike Amazon?

How about deals on actually well rated from products sold by companies that treat their employees with decency and

Synecdoche is the best thing he's ever done. The one with two Nic Cage's was total garbage.

How about you learn what Strasberg's Method actually is and how sensory objects are the OPPOSITE of the literal? I am so sick of reading this ignorant bullshit from people who can't bother going to Wikipedia.

She looks the same as she did in Dream A Little Dream in what 1988?! She's a robot.

Eric, few, fewer and fewest apply to plural nouns. Less is only used with a singular noun. You're being paid to write. Learn the language in which you are attempting to communicate.

The color palette they've opted for is absolutely hideous. Jony Ive must be color blind. I'm not sure how these color choices can possibly adhere to the Human Interface Guidelines — or have they thrown those out along with quality assurance? i don't know if Flavours (Flavors?) has been updated yet, but there will

I have had recurring nightmares about deformed dwarfs that stink of necrosis for about 15 years.

Yay! Finally!

I use Cloud Clip. It syncs with OS X and you can set it to ignore password managers. No notification center extension yet, though.

Can you guys do a step-by-step showing how to keep 1Password synced with iCloud Keychain?

Fewer, not less. Few and fewer are used with plural nouns. Less only applies to singular nouns.

The iPhone 4s is the largest I can happily use or carry around. My 5s is too long and you couldn't pay me to buy anything bigger. If they don't start making smartphones that can actually fit in my pockets and hands by next fall, I'll go back to using a dumb phone and save a lot of money.

Madeleine, "Method", as in Stanislavsky's Acting Method, is the utilization of sensory objects to fill in gaps between the actor and character's experiences. It's a near opposite of literally cutting your face because your character has a cut on his face. An example of The Method would be to create the sensory object

Beards and goatees are combovers for the weak-chinned; you're not fooling anyone.

"floats have rolling out" Hm?

I listened to them this afternoon and couldn't get into it at all. I love mysteries, murder tv and TAL, but I found nothing interesting or suspenseful about the first two episodes and they were badly mixed. I hope something with a similar premise but better done comes along.

Are there are other mental disorders most notably marked by heightened pattern recognition?

You sound as though you would benefit from a therapist as much as a nutritionist. There was another recent study that showed the opposite of your claim, that being nagged about one's weight encouraged weight loss. Salt is also good or bad for you depending on the day of the week. It's true that BMI is inaccurate for

What's being overlooked here is that most men who consider themselves 'tough guys' find it insulting to have to take orders from a women and will intentionally undermine the authority of a woman in a position of power over them. Along those same lines, many white men who have superiority complexes coupled with fragile

First of all, the manufacture, shipment and sale of the reusable synthetic bags waste many, many times more resources and cause much more environmental harm than plastic bags do. Plastic bags are also regularly reused by all but the rich and primarily so for disposing of either food or animal waste; now, people will