
Kindles being tied to Amazon are the death strike against them and the reason why I would absolutely never buy one. Kobos allow many file types plus the usage of an SD card. Onyx devices allow audio playback for audiobooks. Is Gawker media an Amazon property now? Every day, you post listings of Amazon products for

You're supposed to save up your 70 cents to the dollar until you can afford a fashionable, feminine purse that will make you a target for male muggers.

I've been really annoyed that this aspect of sexism in tech has been almost entirely absent from discussions of sexism in tech. The fact of the matter is that these nearly all male companies are making products specifically for an all male market — and those women who are willing to overpay for a device that is too

If I wanted Google to data-rape me, I'd just use an Android phone and a Chromebook. Mercury Browser syncs with Firefox and iCab, which is packed with features, syncs with its OS X version.

The Pro version has been pulled for some reason. Little disappointed it doesn't (can't?) give access to any app you have installed. Otherwise, very useful.

With the CEO & head of Design both being gay men, it's not exactly surprising that they forgot about periods and ignored the fact that their new phones a too large for most women's hands and pockets. Steve Jobs, on the other hand, named the first computer he got into mass production after his daughter and made sure

6 inch phablets, made by Apple or otherwise, only fit in muumuu pockets, not in any form fitting, fashionable clothing. The obese, however, are generally poor so use free on contract Android phablets because they can't afford a second computing device. Trying to appeal to fat people by making a huge phone was a dumb

Your faux outrage is so dull. Why don't you head on back to Jezebel before you get 'triggered' by any flecks of uncensored reality that threaten your fragile psyche and challenge your appropriated, denialist, bumper sticker talking points? Wouldn't want you to pull a muscle whilst straining to think for yourself.

Whole Foods was always consistently fifty bucks cheaper for the exact same things than Ralph's when I was living in LA.

The only people who can fit this garbage in their pockets are obese and/or wear extremely unfashionable clothing. Huge phones are lowest common denominator, Walmart crowd phones for people with fat greasy fingers who can only afford a single computing device. This is Apple officially giving up any illusions of being a

In the English language, the words 'few' and 'fewer' are used to modify plural nouns and the word 'less' is used to modify singular nouns.

Yeah, it stopped allowing me access to messages after a few months of the Try Our Messenger App nagware.

Maybe that's what they want. If they kill Messages, there's no need to continue with the pre-text of Messages being "private" communications; all interactions will be out in the open for them to data-mine and monetize.

Yeah, what exactly are Chase customers supposed to do? I actually called them last Sunday after a strange experience using my card at a gas station asking if they had some kind of fraud watch list I could be added to and I was 'assured' all accounts are monitored for suspicious activity despite them not having flagged

I was just wondering if there was any way to prevent this from being cat-triggered.

My entire first hand usage Android phones is made up of setting up shitty Tracfones for my luddite parents so I don't really have any basis for comparison between iOS and "real"/top of the line Androids. Frankly, I'm pretty anti-Google so had been hoping Firefox OS or LG's revamp of WebOS would gain some traction to

Airplane mode works on some of them and there are apps like WeBlock that kill the Apple iAd servers as essentially a hosts file, but those only work on WiFi. I see myself jailbreaking my 5s in the near future.

Dental floss is also much stronger than thread when you need to mend something.

I want to know how to protect an airmattress from the claws of a cat who is paw-stupid.

Is there a repository of Applescript Services that can be downloaded? I followed a tutorial earlier today to create a particular service and at the very bottom of the page they were like "And here's the service, if you just want to download it!" It just seems dumb for everyone who wants to Combine Selected PDFs or