
If you use Feedly on a Mac, you can create an app of it with Fluid and then integrate a Send to Pocket bookmarklet in the Bookmarks Bar or simply do this with Safari, Firefox, etc. On iOS, I mostly use Mr. Reader and Reeder as clients for Feedly and their Pocket etc. integration still works fine, but the same

The developer is just one guy...and he doesn't take criticism well. It's a greatly functional app, but unfortunately it is the only app of its kind with that breadth of functionality so it has a defacto monopoly on its niche. If there were an app with even 75% of the same functionality and a user interface that was

I really wish someone would come up with a skin for it that people could download and use. Frankly, it's so ugly that I use it as infrequently as possible and have put off buying an ereader because it would mean staring at that ugly interface more often. I just don't understand how an open source work with as large of

I actually sort of pack this way, but I layer the roll outside to inside as: pants, hoodies/sweaters/long sleeved shirts, t-shirts/tanks, shorts and underwear, socks. It helps to fit a lot more stuff in a bag than would otherwise, but it's kind of a pain when the time comes to actually change clothes. If you were just

As someone who cannot eat soy, a subsidized filler that is put in everything from juice to ground beef in the US, I'm disappointed but not surprised that they didn't bother to list the empty soy-free alternatives column.

Can you give me some tips on how to test a person (without an MRI) for lack of empathy? Just simple straight forward experiments. I would like to determine whethe someone I know is a sociopath or just a complete asshole.

I agree. I had one particularly horrible history teacher in high school who only tested us on knowing the dates of invasions and wars and treaty signings. The who and why were completely absent and it made memorizing years and months and days extremely difficult as they had no meaning without the supporting context he

Clearly. Are there like pantless museum tours for half-hearted nudists?

I would like to know why some people's pit stink is so fucking sexy and other people's sweat smells like rotting bodies.

I usually travel with a pair of pants.

Sorry, Mississippi, this still isn't enough.

Cincinnati Bell is, by far, the worst company I have ever had to deal with on a regular basis. It took ten months of my incessantly calling, emailing, and scheduling service visits for them to properly install a single Cat5 cable in my house. I was routinely lied to by their American and Filipino phone staff, by their

I'd like to know how to build a secret passage way between floors without compromising the structural integrity of the floor/ceiling being cut open.

I'm glad to see all the humor didn't leave with Dachis.

Er, no; nearly every single person who has faced a serious medical diagnosis has asked their physician(s) what they would do in their shoes. Your analogy is flawed and your argument only serves to highlight and exemplify why it is so difficult and important to find an honest and forthright advisor.

And you can't blame biology for your being an insufferable, idiotic asshole; that's on you and your responsibility to correct. Good luck, you'll need it.

Strange that you insist so given that the geneticist I saw on Monday confirmed that those of us with loose connective tissue are, in fact, statistically much more likely to be accident prone than those with normal connective tissue. But go on believing whatever you need to.

Nothing ent over my head. Your statement simply wasn't smart or funny. And you clearly know absolutely nothing about Chrome, firefox or hosts files.

Yeah, usually, by the time I've decided that someone I've just met is worth knowing, I've already forgotten their name because I instinctively classified it as irrelvant when we were introduced. The most extreme example of this situation in my own life was when my ex and I became friends with a woman we met at a party

You're a good German.