
It's annoying when people who have no idea what they're talking about comment on a topic.

You're speaking about yourself in the plural; is it company policy to use Chrome?

Not if you use the Firefox plugins that block Google redirects, block Google analytics (which I do at a router level), allow for randomly generated canvas data and/or use DuckDuckGo.


Ok, yeah, that's probably the safest bet. What's the brand of yours?

I'm not sure I can rationalize spending $1600 for the cheapest one given that I'd likely only be making 3 or 4 small projects a year. But, thank you, they sound like a great idea and it's a shame the major manufacturers won't implement such technology into their products

Me, too. I uninstalled it and have no plans to install the messenger app. There's only one friend who insisted on using it to message me daily and I told her she was going to have to use normal texts from now on. The rest of my facebook usage is mainly scanning the timeline and ocassionally participating in support

Kit, what kind of saw, if any, would you advise for someone who is extremely accident prone? There are a number of things that I'd like to make myself, but cannot because I'm afraid I'll lop a finger off.

Given the inherent privacy problems with Chrome, it would be preferable to see you focus on extensions for Firefox and other non-Google-data-mining browsers.

I think 50% fewer crashes is a modest underestimate given how many people deleted the app last week after they destroyed the ability to send and receive messages.

Oh! Well, in that case, your eyes are just fine, lol.

It looks like a friendship bracelet to me, but I guess it's some sort of hair clip. Maybe it's implanted in his skull.

The Dropbox icon is blue and you are colorblind.

What's most confusing is it looks like he's actually not even bald under the combover.

Great, now TSA is going to confiscate all our shoelaces.

I'd rather see FireFox extensions. Chrome is a data mining operation, Google is evil and has already infested the internet with its analytic trackers and it is in no one's best interest for them to develop a monopoly on our browsing options. FireFox is still the only browser that can provide a reasonable amount of

They were called Burples where I grew up.

Yeah, kinda like that but without the shakes and without the whole feeling like you wish were dead bit, or maybe those are just my bender hangovers.

I have one. It's great. Got it for Christmas 2 years ago.

It was really weird and sometimes felt self-punishing, but mostly seemed so ridiculous that I felt an obligation to see it through to the end. My ability to discern between dream and reality got a little fuzzy by the end.