
Most interesting to me was coming to recognize the signs that I was drifting back into Alpha and how destructive to creativity conscious, rational thinking can be. But there was even a degree of that going on while I slept with my brain working on the stories in dreams and exploring or rejecting various routes for the

We had two of them when I was a kid. I think they sold them at the software store my mom would take me to to buy games.

I sort of lived like this for 3 months. I was experimenting with automatic writing and I would write until my conscious brain started becoming active and self-aware and self-editing and then make myself go back to sleep and wake up again 20 minutes or 3 hours or 11 hours later and repeat. Some days I slept more than

Look into Tonido. Works wonderfully. Let's you access anything you want remotely and has a built-in media player.

George Washington Carver. How do you keep asking that many questions about the same thing?

Hm, I just wrote a simple little app that lets you convert any number of .jpg files to a single .pdf

Is there a font designed to aid with this, like the font(s) specifically designed to help those with dyslexia?

I think his name should be Brent Kantly.

Cincinnati very much is broke and P&G is still one of the largest employers in the area. What planet are you joining us from or are you a time traveler?

Yeah, this is going to be really bad news for Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. As far as I know, they're still the largest employer in the area. There are no other jobs here for these people to apply for and the city is broke.

Jamie, this is the opposite of democratizing the internet. This is the death of net neutrality in action.

If you've already had an adverse reaction to it, even a minor one, just count yourself lucky and always make sure that it's listed as something you're allergic to — along with all other drugs in that class. Unless the alternative is amputation, it's simply not worth the risk and many people who have developed

Isn't this supposed to be a gadget blog? Why are you reposting non-tech content from other sites? Does Gizmodo actually produce any content that actually has something to do with tech?

Chrome is a data raping operation that accesses all the files on your computer and attached drives even when you've closed the app. It's the absolutely last browser to use if you have any interest in privacy. And all of your Chromecast data is also sent to Google to monetize. There is zero point attempting to have any

It's a nightmare. Never take Cipro (or Avelox or Levaquin, etc.) Many people who have had their lives wrecked by these antibiotics took them for years without incident until their bodies simply hit their threshold.

You really need to read up on MTHFR and p450 mutations and their relationship to both antibiotic intolerance in the specific and debilitation of the methylation process in general. Sooner or later you will hit the threshold for the amount of penicillin your body can hold onto, being completely unable to filter,



Contrary to the idiotic musings of the other posters who have no actual experience with this, yes, it is bad for you to eat meat (or anything) that has been treated with a medication you experience adverse reactions to and, no, the stuff doesn't magically disappear from the tissue in weeks or even months. Three years