
I’d still like to see nude fotos of Justin Trudeau....

You’ve clearly never seen “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”


Please.....I already know WAY too many guys who say, “...but what about the girth?”.........

....I would like to volunteer my services as a research assistant in this noble cause....

.....I knew a queen in the French Quarter (Bob, is that you?) who used to make plaster casts of his conquests’ boners...you walk into the living room, and all available wall space was taken up with life-sized hards-on.....I felt like I was in Wonderland.......good times......sigh

.....my sister never wanted kids and after 13 or 14 years of married unprotected sex suddenly winds up pregnant.....she loves my now 17-yr-old nephew to death, but she knew on the spot it was one-and-done, and (CAUTION: OUTRAGE LIES AHEAD) that if she had it to do over, she would not have done it. I respect the shit

After living in the French Quarter for a year or so, I, as the gay man that I am, went to a party at some friends’ house....all queens.....after about 30 minutes I realized that I was the only dude in the room that had not slept with EVERY OTHER DUDE IN THE ROOM.......there was one guy I had hooked up with and that

.....well (Gulp) your post is probably as good an opening as I’m going to find, so here goes: while the Cops Gone Wild on Young Black Men has a foundational basis, the Black Lives Matter movement will leave itself open to side-eye until it addresses the Pink Elephant in the room that black lives do not matter to some

......sigh.....if only his parents had believed in birth control.............as it is, they’re still trying to abort him.....

LOL....check out my Gawker history...lol...I believe you will find I have QUITE A LOT to say, e.g., tonite’s post about the Republican non-responses to the Planned Parenthood shootings

1. as gag gifts go, I will splurge for the laugh

.....thank you.....as I said, I’m new.....but, thanx!

.....thanx for the clarification:)

......I’m confused.....usually a Gawkerite, but since the implosion I’m trying to adjust my estrogen levels for the Jez-set.....so, I couldn’t wait to comment on the Golden Girls Granny Panties...........and, I’ve yet to see ONE published comment addressing the supposed theme of this article.......Toto, we’re not in

.......funny!.....this should have way more stars....

......au contraire, my dear randilyn.....that is exactly the right amount of body hair ......(prays fervently there is none on his back)...

LOLOL.....”Tyler Perry.....Oscar” in the same sentence......

....Imma let you...

.......I pray that said nude gentleman was Hot and in his 20s....