You should report him to the devs.
You should report him to the devs.
Cheating? Or, you know, the more likely scenario that they help develop the game and accidentally left some of their developer tools enabled.
There are no circumstances where that particular line could be considered appropriate, not even if you were talking to an actual prostitute when doing so.
I’m a white-collar professional. It’s not that hard to not say something that would be construed as harassing. If you’re going to make a joke, make one that isn’t harassing.
For example, if you’re going to make a joke about reporting/sourcing, instead of making some weird sexual comment, maybe say something like “if…
This reveals so very, very much about your thinking that I wonder if you knew it would be quite so damning before you posted it.
A woman refusing a drink from a man—unattractive or otherwise—is not harassment, and would not rise to the legal level required for prosecution (or even censure at work). Rather, the act of…
Congratulations, you have contributed to why people don’t come forward!
One fun context clue to figure out if this question wasn’t appropriate is that the woman who was asked the question is saying that it wasn’t appropriate.
Thank you for writing this.
As you say this is team game, and what if your team is using other 5 heroes you can play well? Use someone you cannot play at all, and be totally useless for the team, or use someone you know fairy well and at least have possibility of doing something?
Well the article you wrote is headlined like a very different situation than what you posit there.
Maybe, “Overwatch Pro banned midmatch showcases abuse in reporting.”
Reporting someone who won’t use the character you think they should be using is a huge douchelord move. It almost sounds like Eric is taking the douchelord’s side here for some reason?
There’s also video documentation of him doing this crap, which it seems he is ALSO known for:
Nothing wrong with playing the game the way you like in a random fight. Nobody’s entitled to telling other people how to have fun (or, as it may be the case, not have.)
And that amounts to an opinion: whether my thinking about the circumstances is correct.
This is an example of why he was banned
But stream detectives later pointed out that Lengyel’s reporting of a player was somewhat merited; it was a player from a previous game that had refused to switch off a character, even when they were repeatedly dying.
There’s one in every NPOCP...
“However, Nehls did stand firm that he wanted to avoid any situation where the sign on the truck could lead to an unwanted confrontation.
Amazingly tidy. My first car was a 1983 GTI and seeing the LED “Christmas Tree” brings back (scary) memories. “How many of them will stay lit today?” “Do any of them mean I won’t make it to my girlfriends house?” NP