
So the companies are ripping off drivers and still losing a metric shit ton of cash.  It seems nobody is making any money in this scheme except the investors and executives, ohhhhhhhhhh.

The switch from a percentage based compensation for drivers to the Upfront Pricing was the moment drivers became employees. Under the percentage based compensation, drivers created the final fare through the act of driving the passenger - the route they took and the time it took.

I don't understand why there's a picture of Night Monkey on an article about Spider-Man.

Because at the speed these things fly they dont care if they can be tracked by radar, they are going like Mach 6. nothing can really touch them, so a constant sonic boom and thyroid cancer generator flying around at 500 ft is a pretty damn destructive weapon even before it hits the ground. 

Scramjets require intake in the form of air, so it wouldn’t work in space.

Yeah. it sucks when people die but if you die designing and testing a super weapon and your death delays the development of the weapon...I won’t shed any tears.

Glad to see some fellow Old Jalops representing.

Then create a blog post and cover it. Your Kinja ID gives you the ability to do so.

I’m with Bradley a bit here. Personally I think the uniqueness of a Mini with an engine as big as the car itself will probably get more interest from the diverse car community as a whole compared to “another Camaro with a bodykit”. Not everybody has the time to dive into the details of the build quality and the specs.

I posted it because I liked it. The car rules. Hoonigans post a couple of videos per day, always about cars, and we are a car site.

Look at those pictures. Close your eyes. Now make the grunt and snort noises, out loud, to yourself. You deserve those few seconds for making us relive them with you.

It’s noteworthy that it’s carrying Members of the United States Congress.

Outside of Michael Holley, WEEI is all bad.

“Outside of Felger” is where I’d like a knife to be right after it was inside of Felger.

If I could do that I wouldn’t leave the house.

We should just get rid of Boston Sports Radio.

I’ve had my current car for about 8 months now, and I still have to check the dash to see which side the cap is on...

Except your insurance rates don’t go up for an accident you are not at fault for?

The fire truck needs to move, it’s going to move. How long should the fire truck sit there waiting for either the police to move or for the other car’s owner to move his car? Don’t you think the firemen have more important things to be doing than worrying about somebody’s car?