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    Thank you.

    Exactly. The HR department does not exist to protect employees (management or otherwise). They exist to protect the interests of company and the ownership. Once upon a time, the department was called personnel and employees were people. Now the same department is called human resources and employees are resources,

    Let me guess... you live in Indiana or Ohio?

    It’s a taco. It probably still runs fine.

    Yup, we sit in the 300s at Gillette for the home games, and its actually pretty awesome being able to see the entire play development taking place on the field, rather than the super closeups you get on TV.

    Don’t worry, the booing will be edited out on the official footage from NFL Films.

    I don’t know much about cats in Australia, but I do know that in the US, one of the best lures for trapping escaped pet dogs is supermarket rotisserie chicken (without the bones, of course). Dogs go nuts for that stuff and it seems to be the preferred bait.

    Designated casualties suck. You have to sit there and do nothing and pretend you’re dead until the entire exercise is complete.

    This seems like it would be more useful for a boutique type shipper, where each item is different in size and shape and could possibly benefit from a snugger fitting box. For any volume shipper, the amount of waste from leftover materials, post-cut, would be huge and would almost certainly be more wasteful than

    If anything, its probably a larger waste of cardboard, as standard sized boxes are engineers to be manufactured with as little waste materials as possible (in that scenario, waste= lost profit).

    What’s it called when women do it, because people of both genders do it.

    Back when we all had Startacs for work phones and everyone had one, I named my phone “not yours”. That way, when someone picked up my phone and said “Who’s is this?” while opening it up, they got an answer, and usually a laugh.

    Lobsters are wild caught, not farmed.

    All they had to do was ask anyone who has any bit of knowledge about lobsters where to release it into the wild (which in Chatham includes a lot of people include most lobster pound employees), or even done 10 seconds of googling on their smart phones.

    If I were to guess, based on how they’re all laid out evenly in the terminal, someone unloaded them and lined them up prior to the athletes getting there to pick them up, rather than coming down the ramp one at a time. Your idea is a good one, however. Also good would have been to spend some cash to get them

    Actually, Boston works very hard to desegregate their schools. For the first 20 years or so, it was mandated by law (remember the bussing crisis of the 70s?), but since then they make steady work towards balancing the schools. A lot of this comes from lotteries to get into the best schools as well as a program (Metco)

    My family moved to Maryland from Massachusetts the year that schools were desegregated. Despite my siblings having gone to Catholic grammar school up north, my parents put them in the public school system for the first year they lived there (71). What you described is exactly what had happened. Despite the vast

    Actually cricket was invented in Flanders. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/79… As for modern baseball, while hitting a ball with a stick in some manner has existed for as long as there have been balls, the game currently known as baseball has its origins in the knickerbocker rules from the 1840.

    I was 10 in 1982. I memorized every page of the toy section of that catalog. It was the only way to see what all the new toys for christmas were going to be.

    But to get to the shallow seas, it has to cross deep seas. It is designed to handle seas like this, all Navy vessels are, however its primary operating area is shallow seas, as you said.