
It is a ride sharing service in the sense that Uber did not wish to follow regulations and decided to create a gypsy cab service. Regulations are super easy to deal with when you just ignore them outright.

Kinda. It’s also an issue of Uber not paying enough for people to earn a decent wage except in major cities, where the cost of living is so high they can’t afford to live. It’s also an issue of a pretty expensive lease deal that Uber profits from as well, so not only are they taking a cut of his earnings, but of his

And this is a “ride sharing” service how? Its a taxi service and should be treated as one.

‘“KFC is widely known to be the most effective bait for luring feral cats,” which is honestly incredible. Like, possibly the most incredible quote ever reported by the news media.”

lolz, you saw this on Fark and left the referral link intact.

The missing piece of information might be this: Bikram refused to pay the judgment, hid as many assets as he could, and fled to India.

Without finding more information it’s hard to figure out, but based on the dailymail article it looks like she won a judgment for her monetary damages last year; bur she has been unable to collect the money through traditional means, so they are giving her the property(franchises and cars) to satisfy the judgment.

Stitching things together here, but this was a suit against the corporation, not a personal suit. As such, the damages would come from corporate coffers. The value of the whole business was apparently less than the judgment, so the whole business was awarded to her (possibly in a separate ruling). The cars were

The victory is not in question. but the control of his enterprise and property is. This isn’t a divorce case. If it were simply she won the case and a monetary settlement and he fled to avoid payment I would think standard practice would be to place a lein against his property and sieze and auction if necessary.

I belive it is because he was a no show at the trial so she won by default.

Yeah, well, I live in a city where our planners helpfully decided it was easier to build outward, not upward. So not quite feasible in my case.

Try hours. If I had to walk to work, the store, kids’ schools, none of which are near each other, it adds up.

Once again not tech news and frankly not even that interesting. Gizmodo Fail!

Congrats on shitting on someone else doing their thing to improve themselves.

I would consider my life a smashing success if it ends up being filled with friendships like the one they had.

When I was in USN basic, 6 minutes was an eternity. There were a few times we literally had like 30 seconds to eat because the chow line got too long and we had to be somewhere else.

See also: fall asleep quickly anywhere and in any conditions

I still eat faster than anyone I know. Friends and family are baffled with it.

If this is a training exercise, he’s probably been designated a casualty

6 Minutes to eat.