
Who said it has anything to do with feminism? It has to do with misandry and the fact that hipsters only like anything if that thing gives them permission to hate on someone or something else for being inferior.

Whoa there, tiger. There is a big difference. We choose to come here because we expect tech/nerd blog content. She goes to twitter, follows assholes who thread, then comes here to bitch about it. And we complain because we did not choose that life, she did. We just want the author to know we don’t care and/or actively

This would be bad for Amazon. They would have a huge amount of wasted cardboard. Plus, all of the non-standard sized boxes would be extremely difficult to neatly stack and ship efficiently.

From the looks of the process it’s still “a waste of cardboard”.

Agreed that doing the whole “threading” thing is obnoxious. Where this goes off the rails (instantly) is making it the whole “mostly men” thing. That’s not my experience personally, there’s no substantiation whatsoever and it’s just gender-baiting for clicks.


1. Trying to gender a non-gendered trait/habit/thing is stupid. It’s not edgy, it’s not satirical, it’s just stupid.

<THREAD> I’m now hearing Jezebel is leaking again.

Actually, you’re the one that sounds like the dick in this scenario.

Seats come with reclining functionality, and I’ll make this blunt (because your post reads like you’re a selfish asshole): Don’t like it?

The seat in front of you only tilts its back towards you, it doesn’t slide into your space. Just move your bag and put your legs under the seat in front of you.

Also 6'2". I’ve never been bothered by the incremental reduction in space in front of me when someone else reclines, but it DOES make an appreciable difference in comfort to recline my own seat. Regardless of what either of us paid for our seats, you didn’t pay for mine and have no say in how I use it. Ask politely,

If you’re so tall that your legs are THAT close to the seat in front of you, maybe spend the $30 to get the seats with more legroom.

They offer seats with more recline space???

I buy the privilege to sit in that seat AND use it. It reclines. I get to recline it. That said, I will warn the person behind me that I am going to recline.

And that’s why they make seats with extra leg room, and they are WELL worth the $30 or so extra dollars for them.

I still just do not understand this argument. You buy a seat on a plane. That seat reclines. The end. How do other people get the idea that they can deny your seat’s functionality?

You can cuss at the back of my reclined seat all you want.