
The overall point is sound, but LOL this graph. It’s Fox News-worthy. 70 million is totally more than twice as much as 60 million.

I think going after rape accusers with criminal charges would be a horrible precedent that would have a monstrous chilling effect on actual victims seeking justice.

Little known fact: Usain Bolt’s full name is actually Usainagar Boltagon.

You love us. Smile. You love us.

And who would know better than Patton Oswalt?

Make your own IUD!

Unless you’re including their contemporaries in the UK and Soviet Union, singling out the U.S. without emphasizing those contributions is disingenuous at best and moronic at worst. A necessary combination of U.S. industry, British intelligence, and Soviet blood defeated the Third Reich. Three quarters of all German

Off-thread, but the largest Japanese diaspora is actually located in Brazil with around 1.6 million people of Japanese descent. The U.S. is second at around 1.4 million with California being the largest constituent state followed by Hawaii and New York.

Yeah, I’m at a loss for how this is remotely feminist.

This seriously may be the most over-edited video I’ve ever seen. It’s like a non-ironic version of that kid flipping the water bottle.

They look like those photos of a snake eating another snake.

I am absolutely confused/awed by how you made this work.

My problem is that this isn’t a novel. It’s a non-fictional autobiographical account of real events.

Is it too much to ask for Dan Inouye to rise from the grave and beat this guy to death?

You’ve chanted “Yankees Suck!” at an event not involving the Yankees, haven’t you?

Uh...so they videotaped signals in an illegal manner? Are you allergic to adverbs or something?