Lady Lyanna Mormont

The more I thought about it, the more he reminded me as a symbol for any nurse/doctor/medical caretaker/etc who was ever nice to someone in their time of need. I was reminded of a really sweet nurse who cheered me up at the hospital when I fractured a vertebrae when I watched. Like… Good people *really* are out there

but do they have owl stickers over the camera like i do??

i really enjoyed watching Theresa freak out talking to Ford and forget to ash her cigarette while he was speaking. I feel like she is also a person who is not used to not getting her way or actually being afraid. Intrigued to see what these new feelings lead her to do.

i got that vibe, maybe that it was a bit more misery-esqe, but there was some *tension*

well… she did win that award for Misery which is pretty similar to the character she seems to be playing here (losing track of reality)


Donna reminds me a lot of Theon Greyjoy - thrust into circumstances out of their control, but without someone close who they could trust in to nuture their dreams/give them the emotional support they needed. Both felt like they suffered due to other people's choices. In a sense, they're both looking for a place to

It reminds me of The Wire … I tried 3 times to get through the first few episodes, shutting if off sometime before midseason wondering "there are people who think this show is good?"

my theory gained ground to me due to the sequence of events too.

do you ever just want to chat? i could listen to anything you want to talk about because this is just such a well written and thought provoking review.

As someone who had a bad ankle injury in high school, that scene made me absolutely grimmace and my ankle felt like phantom pain.

true, but you must admit it's a pain to get to

hmmmm i didn't think we were *that* far into the future, but maybe we are. good point.

was that mentioned in an interview? i feel there's too much evidence to dismiss the idea. even the name for the book came from Shakespeare "The Tempest"

Does anyone else think the characters of Bernard and Ford are based on or at least named for the characters in Brave New World?

I thought it was from Brave New World, especially with the other character being named Bernard (the misfit, playing with toys he shouldn't touch).

they reminded me of the escalators in the london underground! Like, they just went on for… forever it seems.

i feel like ski resorts are an apt analogy - by buying a ticket you're waiving your liability. If I break my neck flying off a cliff, yes they aren't liable. But then it's a whole big deal to handle internally, with legal and corporate relations etc. And I would assume WW deaths would be front page news. Especially if

yeah i get they aren't liable, but if you were a potential guest thinking about spending $200k for you, your wife and 3 kids - and it's all over the news that another kid died/injured/now has PTSD or sexually assaulted at school after witnessing the WW violence - would you want to take them?

did he buy that bridge to no where instead?