Lady Lyanna Mormont

Is the baby the valonqar? He would be a younger brother too. Taking them both out when he's born.


I really should remove this bar association logo as well.

married her bitch of a granddaughter to her last darling boy and let her sink her claws in him

maybe… but why lie to a dying woman. either way, epic scene

the books go into a lot more detail about how the bank was founded, it really just runs to the antithesis of their being. *shrugs* i get they change it for plot convenience tho and most people won't care.

she looked like the chick from vikings who's shacking up with lagetha.

truthfully my biggest OMG moment was when cersei and jaime were naked in bed together and she was like, nah it's alright. they know i'm a brotherfucker, it's so chill bae.

i was surprised that i was disappointed when meera wasn't given any lines… hmmm

i feel like its a sign that littlefinger is having trouble swimming in his own wake. that's what happens when chaos comes to town, it can throw literally everyone on their own ass.

my one qualm was that i don't think cersei would have let her slip a crazy and horrific death. i was hoping jaime was gonna offer her the poison on the sly, behind cersei's back. that seems like where his character's been going, but cersei letting an enemy die with painless poison does not seem like something that

considering that braavos was founded by freed slaves… and that the bankers were prolly ex slaves or descendents of ex slaves…. yeah.

don't let ser jaime near your glass!

okay you can sit in the corner with like the only 5 other people on the planet that didn't think this episode kicked ass

Truthfully, it was my sister in spirit Lady Olenna getting the last word. I'd like to model my own death after hers. In my 80s, after a fruitful and long life of epic burns and general bad-assery.

"You've lost, Cersei. It's the only joy I can find in all this misery."

a true ball buster up until the end.

omg omg omg omg omg

so happy. now the main kernal of knowledge i want is, how many eps? i'd love a 10 ep season.

unpopular opinion: i like aethelwulf. might be largely because i think the name is dope.