Lady Lyanna Mormont

I'll be honest - the costumes alone would be enough for me to visit.

Well she is the first host, maybe he did that to her because he had figured that out? He's been going there for 30 years, maybe he somehow deduced that (hey there's gotta be the first one and lord knows he's willing to take the time to methodically figure it out).

I figure there's like some "kid friendly" zone, like at a real amusement park. The only time we saw a real kid was out there with Delores, so far removed from all the other workings. Maybe that's like a free zone where the guns don't work on hosts so they can keep it rated PG?

Something weird I noticed - they know Logan's size of clothes and have them all laid out…. but they haven't asked him about his medical info until he walks off the train?

Yeah I was wondering if the assault on Delores ties into the "only when you're suffering do you get to the real emotions/truth" thing.

i assumed those kids were kids of really, really rich and neglectful parents. like all of the kids in the jurrasic park movies.

"we wanted to climb to the top of the mountain, but father said we weren't allowed and then Tommy dared me."

I was wondering if they reset plot lines every so often, almost like a restaurant changing out specials or a new broadway play opening each season.

They aren't even the first random nurses lol

That kinda makes sense, I think it's just becoming a very convoluted plot (which is saying something for this show)

Imagine being that extra and reading the script for the first time.

So does that mean that's really the real Lee then? I know that issue was raised in the first ep review that they all might be actors. Otherwise the actors playing actors playing the real Shelby, Lee & Matt are very committed.

The nurses are like the crappiest red herring but right up AHS's alley.

Lulz, the moment you realize this season still hasn't found it's footing:

Lulz and season 1 of H&CF is like the first few seasons of BB - it was good but too many times I went "can we speed this up??"

She's still hiding that abortion… as soon as that pops up I'm thinking game over. But… at the same time, for a couple who is frankly down and out, I can't think of another example, from fiction or real life, of two people REALLY trying to make a marriage work (albeit to the best of their ability).

I just want the abortion convo to come up. Like that should be explosive.

Bos is everyone's dad in spirit. He has that big of a heart.

Just some random thoughts, wasn't there a similar issue in S1 where they had to rip out the AI interaction software to make the product marketable? Everyone was on board except for Cameron. It was the right technical decision at the time (according to Bos, Gordon, Joe, etc), but the end result is still a "doorstop of

really enjoyed this episode. Also feel this needs to be said, Ryan looked damn fine in this episode as well and that surprised the metaphorical pants off of me..