Lady Lyanna Mormont

i don't want to see it either, but it's really like why'd he change his tune so quickly? he made reference that he's still on mutiny's message boards and whatnot so he could have reached out to Cam, but they haven't talked until this point. And now they're married? I hope there's a good connect-the-dots explanation.

i know that tom and his mom were having money troubles. that's one of the things that i keep coming back to as logical (from a plot perspective and without any other viable leads). Your possibly soon to be facebook rich ex-gf comes back and it's clear she still holds a torch? i'm just wondering how "pissed" Tom is

is it possible she went back to her mom's house after speaking with Tom and that's her dad's wedding band? Only reason I think that theory might be valid is it looked way big for a women's band. Maybe she is going to give it to Tom? Hmmm..

I feel like Mark O'Brien had like no lines. He felt more of a caricature of Tom, shrouded in mystery and confined to the shadows. No really, I thought it was the poor use of a returning guest star slot that overshadowed a pretty good ep (at least for me).

it reminds me of the feeling he had at the company his son got him hired at after he left Cardiff. They wanted to hear his stories, and be all like "Bos!!! Tell it again! Isn't this ex-con a hoot!" and he felt like he was performing in a window display at Macy's for pennies and quit.

There's a scene in S2 between Gordon and Donna's mother that I still reflect on and try to make sense of with new info we're given:
Susan: How come I never knew you were so much fun?
Gordon: I'm super fun. It's that Donna that keeps me down.
Susan: She takes after her dad.

wouldn't the ratings only matter if you were a nielson household (and like the ratings are multiplied statistics to reflect the whole country rather than their stat pool). If that's the case wouldn't your vote count more towards DVR?

or maybe Joe has been hacking her chat logs and KNEW she was going to be there that night? Not really sure, I mean it's Joe, he might have been there looking for new coders like Cameron, legit taking the class, searching for aliens, who knows.

glad to hear any news about this show's premiere, was somewhat shocked it's what… 7 weeks until it comes back and still no trailer? AMC wtf?

Oh she is legend, if looks could kill tonight she'd be this episode's stone cold assassin.

I've been complaining about the literary blue balls this shows been giving me on this board every week for awhile now…

Oh you're good, Thanks for making me smile on this rough day.

that sounds vaguely familiar. Do you know Quentin Martell?

if a man cannot escape one sword then the faceless men really do have bigger issues than previously thought

But remember! We need more Bort license plates in the Gift Shop. Repeat, we are sold out of Bort license plates.

OMG you're right - i feel like completely bait and switched.

When she started talking about "sailing west of Westeros" just for giggles and I pictured Arya becoming Magellan dying in the middle of nowhere for zero reason (which is a real run around to becoming no one)….

Vaya con dios mi amigo

unrelated but love your screen name

So all of the theories that ANY of these plots meant more than the super obvious were for naught??