elaine layabout

aw, hell ... never killed a butterfly ... time to head back to helgen!

"[W]e don't evaluate what's right and wrong, we live in a society. We live in a culture. We have to live within that culture."

well, that's harsh ... because you have to sign off on your number, and you could end up paying fines for overlooking that apple pie spice candle you ordered for grandma

it is not the least bit complex ... the law requires you to keep records of your out-of-state purchases, but if you choose not to, you can use the handy dandy use tax table, which looks exactly like this:

it's still cheaper to pay just a state use tax, not state+local sales tax ... and i get to shop in my jammies ... so, yeah, i pony up

in illinois, you owe a "use tax" for things you buy out of state and for which you have not paid at least 6.25% illinois sales tax ... you either calculate it based on your purchases — i just dial up my amazon purchase history for the year — or use a table that estimates it based on oncome


and guess what ALL those cops are there for ... to PROTECT AND SERVE CIVILIANS ... you know, like the 2 chicks walking down the sidewalk on their way to their car!

actually, the 1:50 scale model of my vagina that i've constructed in my basement while waiting for my prince to come

i am going to blow this up to poster size and hang it in my girlcave

aidy bryant smokes every sketch she's in, no matter how soggy the material ... but put her in something that's actually good and you get WILDFIRE

oh, divine, if my brothers in their ignorance use the landscape mode, give me the wisdom to see their content through the form!

well, if any pro sports teams were playing at the time, i'd know for sure where the big was ... too early in the day, though

where was this guy?! i know he wasn't in washington plucking victims from his mudslide

ugh ... 9/11 ... watching people jump that day really got me thinking about this ... especially when i learned that some folks looked down on those who jumped as suicides

i think i'll cross stitch that onto a pillow! cuz nothing gets a fiery god's attention like rhyming needlework

this reminds me ... i haven't said my "prayer" in a while

me too! dame mirren packs enough smart and sexy to make 3 doctors

helen's already got all the cash she'll ever need ... and who could pass up being doctor who, much less the first female doctor?

perhaps because i don't give my bowels much thought — i'm a vegetarian, so i can poop and dash before anyone even notices i'm there —, but i would think this is aimed at bike commuters and midday joggers, who need to change togs and shower