elaine layabout

oh god ... i had one kitty who made a beeline for me at the shelter and immediately wrapped herself around my ankle ... she spent the rest of her life physically attached to my body every minute of the night and day that i was at home

let russians blame putin and the oligarchs for their sochi woes, but from the international community's perspective, i'd say 100% of the blame falls on the ioc

i am so sorry to hear this ... i cannot decide whether those sorts of cold-ass people are sociopaths or just really stupid ... but one thing i know for sure is that you cannot take other people's judgements to heart ... all we can do is try our best in any situation, forgive ourselves for our own limitations, and tell

suicides are "under publicized" by design, because of the very real danger of suicide contagion

man, i wasn't even really a dog person until i met ruby ... their obsequiousness just creeped me out ... but ruby, who isanokie, is more motivational than conciliatory ... like, we are gonna do the shit that she wants to do, because it's fuuuuun!

"is she bringing that vacuum over here?"

actually, studies have show that babies and young children living with dogs have significantly fewer ear infections and respiratory illnesses than kids growing up in non-dog homes ... and it is generally accepted that early exposure to germs and allergens helps children to develop strong immune systems

that's funny ... i recently met a dog at the beach who had a thing about traffic cones

oh, god ... it's a good thing i'm so far away ... because i suspect that he's not into getting hugged too hard by squealing strangers

well, the first rule of dog ownership is that you POST A PIC

i often marvel at someone's decision to ditch my grrl ... but, given her reactions to gunfire and the color orange, i'm pretty sure that she's a washed out hunting dog

that's true ... but then i probably know more "pure bred" dogs out there that are shy and jumpy

so, so adorable ... but if this is the look you get at 6am after an all-nighter, i would have to pass

i wasn't even getting a dog ... just out for breakfast and a stroll down the street where anti-cruelty is ... but there she was, looking at me like she already knew me, and all i could think was: if i don't take her home, her image will haunt me till the end of my days

and yet, for all her shortcomings, she managed to find the exactly right human ... someone who understands her and whose heart aches to do whatever it takes to make her life better ... sounds like a winner to me!

maybe you could just take it for a nice carry in the park? your grip is too strong and/or it's too heavy for it to get carried off by a bald eagle, right?

people were baffled by my sis and i, too ... but the funny thing was that, when we were growing up, she looked/talked like the good girl and i looked/talked like the bad girl, and unless you knew both of us really well, you wouldn't have known that we were the opposite opposites

actually people say "she/he's a rescue" ... because all dogs are adopted, and it's quicker than saying "i adopted her/him from a shelter"

well, there have been behavioral studies that show that sibs "push" each other to extreme, opposite behaviors ... so maybe you have your awful sister to thank for your non-awfulness? but, wait ... that means that you, in some way, are responsible for your sis's awfulness