elaine layabout

ooh, i want in on that snuggle

dual post ... stoopid smart fone

when you adopt from a shelter, it's not you picking a dog just because ”we had a boxer when i was 10” ... they pick you ... you walk in, they take one look at you, and using superior critter senses, they recognize that you are the one ... then they break out ”the look” that's meant only for you, and even though you

when you adopt from a shelter, it's not you picking a dog just because ”we had a boxer when i was 10” ... they pick you ... you walk in, they take one look at you, and using superior critter senses, they recognize that you are the one ... then they break out ”the look” that's meant only for you, and even though you

when you adopt from a shelter, it's not you picking a dog just because ”we had a boxer when i was 10” ... they pick you ... you walk in, they take one look at you, and using superior critter senses, they recognize that you are the one ... then they break out ”the look” that's meant only for you, and even though you

scientology drones trolling passersby for converts/suckers don't do much for property values, either

not so into healthy sexuality and relationships that you wouldn't mind the lifetime of damage inflicted by childhood sexual abuse? well, you might also want to consider a sexual abuse survivor's significantly higher risk for substance abuse, crime and suicide

i can't stop seeing this:

it's gonna be a long month waiting for this one ... wish i had a cryo-sleep chamber

yes, mike, taliban go well with hummus (sprinkled with cumin, yum!) ... and the hindu kush is just a popular strain of medical marijuana ... we know nothing about terrorism

i'll go along with the ramen-shaped file plan, if your heart is set on it, but it's a bit obvious for my tastes

not at a black site then?

still a free "citizen", i see

what's with the skyler hatin'? like it's his fault that the jeopardy judges are dicks? the poor kid's gonna google his name and see all you "grownups" making fun of his appearance

quick, someone! is there an emoticon for a spit take? a turtleneck hasn't been that funny since bazooka joe was considered a hoot (assuming that bazooka joe was ever considered a hoot)!

wouldn't a spanish-dubbed brazilian soap opera be translated back into portuguese?

you seem a little too "up" on boring crap ... almost like a foreign agent running a deep, deep cover

to be fair, if you have a multimillion-dollar contract to be at your best on x-hour, y-day, you don't really have the option to stay home because you have the flu or are just plain exhausted from a demanding tour/production/game schedule ... and these iv vitamin cocktails can be amazingly effective

although they are by nature self-centered, i've always found penises to be engagingly insecure ... now that they've become so damned narcissistic, however, they are downright insufferable ... too bad sexual orientation conversion therapy doesn't work

more low-cost, tree-free land leases for ranchers ... wee-doggie!