elaine layabout

attend your local "moment of silence" tonight to let your local p.d. know where you stand

my kid got my last name, even though i was married to her father, and he came from a very patriarchal culture ... we just decided that, if it was a boy, it would have his last name with mine as a middle name, and if it was a girl, it would be the other way around ... that way, any sibs would still share two names, if

believe me, i empathize ... and now that you have clarified where you are coming from, i'd say that this kind of behavior is born more of violence and oppression, and not poverty per se ... our prisons are full of beautiful boys turned to thugs, not because they grew up poor, but because they grew up in constant fear

time to rewrite the rules of rock, paper, scissors ... no way scissors can trump this!

no doubt ... but to say that being poor equals understanding this behavior is, in my opinion, dead wrong ... i don't understand it ... and i know a lot of poor people who wouldn't, either

i've been poor — live-in-filth, never-see-a-doctor, and go-to-bed hungry poor — and i could never have looted a death scene, knowing that it would cause further heartache to the loved ones of the dead ... my dignity was simply the most valuable thing that i owned, and it would not have been worth trading for some

sorry, sparky ... but not everyone is fungible

"To those of use why do not live in urban areas this is a serious concern."

Morales ended up suing Charney for $260 million, but her case was thrown out in 2012.

if sabu ever does again "deploy his tech skills for good," and not just to serve the oligarchy, i'm pretty sure that this judge will not approve

the real question is: why does someone talking about doing something for the homeless and dispossessed cheese you off so much?

they are tearing it down and building an industrial park ... i hope that at least means jobs for the community ... but still, such a waste of so much space

with the prices of copper and other recyclable metals what they are today, it's a good bet that the wires, etc will be salvaged and, within a month, be on a cargo ship to china

it is sadly amusing that your "until it becomes crowded" acknowledges the need for more low-cost housing and shelters, and yet it is your argument for not building more low-cost housing and shelters

my last apartment was 100% re-purposed furnishings, about 1/3 of my wardrobe is re-purposed (it's hard to find used clothes when you are a 5'10" gal) ... and even though poor-ass kid me hated hand-me-downs and salvation army toys, grownup me has come to prefer keeping things out of our landfills and sparing all the

you have a very limited imagination and are woefully misinformed about the nature of homelessness in america ... but don't worry, you are in good company ... which is why we have places like this standing empty, families living in cars, and desperate people committing crimes, just to get the shelter of one of those

i'll admit that part of me wants to see the mother of all indoor skate parks ... and super slides!

well, then, let's just keep things as they are! let perfectly good buildings go to waste ... let society's poor and unfortunate find shelter where they may ... and when they get out of hand, let's throw them in those PRISONS we find gobs of money to pay for ... in that unicorns ass, i suppose

i know it's hard to get locals to accept things like low-income housing and homeless shelters, which is probably why such conversions rarely happen, but maybe housing for abused women and their children? and given that a lot of our ever-expanding elderly population rely upon malls for their exercise in cold, hot, and

when i see places like this i think of those living in slums and refugee camps and skid rows and how they might view this place of relative comfort and safety