elaine layabout

i have disgustingly healthy eating habits, but not because i want to live forever ... like this shit is gonna suddenly get better when i'm 90


no ... rape is illegal ... rape is devastatingly harmful ... and the threat of it impacts all women, young and old, even if they never, ever see a rape promo picture on facebook

no ... this is not a standstill ... breast feeding is not, by any stretch of the standards imagination, equivalent to rape

but community members are still free to protest the removal of breastfeeding, etc, shots from facebook, in whatever forums tolerate complaints about facebook ... like, maybe, jezebel

if facebook can manage to delete anything-that-looks-like-a-breast photos, i'm sure they can manage the rape photos

most east asians and nearly all koreans lack the gene that produces the chemical in perspiration that bacteria feed on, causing odor ... a very small percentage of european types also lack the gene

they are still grappling with the idea that the conscription of "comfort women" was not a "necessary" evil, so it's not too surprising that the denigrating nature of sexual harassment in the workplace is lost on a lot of japanese employers and government officials

i just think it's sad to not feel desire for the human animal as-is ... to not find the warmth of another's skin, their scent, their taste, their movements erotic unless their genitals are shorn

it's like the cocky, teenaged boy hidden inside my girlie, penis-loving exterior has come to life ... i wish he had a better haircut, but i can live with him

you may want to consider cosmetic surgery for that problem ... 'cause it sounds pretty ugly

i suspect that it will be impossible to prosecute the case without kaitlyn's girlfriend testifying that, yes, she did have sex after kaitlyn turned 18 ... that will mean that kaitlyn's lawyer can cross-examine her ... and although the judge could limit the scope of such testimony, i imagine that her consent will be

no, it doesn't happen "all the time" ... time and again, it does happen when the girl is white and her older boyfriend is black ... but older, same-race boys are rarely hit with felonies

how about if they just effin' parented? if you don't want your kid to date an 18-yr-old, do drugs, drink, shoplift, you teach them not to ... and if they insist upon doing those things, you bring on the array of coercion tactics that are at your disposal as a parent

i am glad to hear this ... it will be difficult/terrifying for hunt, but a law that can be triggered for discriminatory reasons must be challenged ... and discrimination aside, young people must be protected from laws that make them legal love birds one day and then, the moment that they turn 18, sex offenders

i find it very interesting — perhaps even heartening — that the u.n.'s committee on the elimination of discrimination against women has accepted and adjudicated bovrisse's petition ... the japanese court opened bovrisse up to massive liability when it determined that, although prada did take the actions alleged, those

what a pathetic creature this bernie guy is ... his only concept of sexuality is the way porn makes him feel

but how can you feel sympathy for the boston marathon bombing injured when more than 100,000 children have starved to death in somalia over the past couple of years?

did the 1% really think that we'd be all "go ahead, use our labor but take all the wealth and put it in $2.6m necklaces"?

some dogs guard by identifying difference ... so, because the neighbor kids play on my front steps, my dog ignores their clomping around and shoving of items through the mail slot ... she ignores the mail carrier, too ... but if, let's say, a cop in uniform comes to my door, she'll go ballistic