elaine layabout

it's sad to think that, if my family was orthodox, i might never have seen my partner dance the polka with my great aunt flo ... but the shtick def sounds like my cup 0

are all orthodox weddings so severely segregated by sex?

i agree about the creepy ... just keep picturing this

the women weren't on a separate side, they were confined behind a curtain ... only men were allowed to sit openly in the "audience"

lemme get this straight: you can't see the gif's, but you still come here?!

pete santilli in all his unphotoshopped glory ... guess he knew we couldn't handle the truth

fortunately, it looks like santilli lives in california, which just allocated $24m to reach out and identify owners of assault weapons owned by convicted criminals and persons with mental illness ... tho that's probably small comfort to any individuals in this maniac's crosshairs

the public broadcast of these statements is deserving of scrutiny for many reasons, but i'd say santilli would need scrutiny even if he'd said these things privately ... the dude sounds seriously unhinged, and i would be concerned for his safety and the safety of those around him ... and i'm hoping like hell that his

actually, this guy has called for the killing of the entire bush family ... so he's an equal opportunity psycho

doesn't this man need to be admitted, voluntarily or otherwise, for a psych eval of his homicidal ideation? and, if he owns a gun permit, shouldn't it at least be suspended until his fitness to possess firearms is determined?

well argued ... what an intellect!

like aging isn't hard enough! you get the natural evolution of your body called "bloated" and "fat"?!

thank you ... much appreciated

i agree ... it's about being comfortable in your own skin and enjoying life ... which is why it totally sucked me in ... that dude ain't my type (he looks eerily like one of my uncles), but i want me some of his joie de vivre

jezzies aren't critical of the sexual objectification of women in the media because they don't like sex, they are critical because women, as an underclass whose bodies are routinely disrespected, oppressed and abused, cannot afford to have the whole woman=boobs=use-me idea perpetuated

although i would probably pee myself laughing if some guy did that smoldering eye/oily pecs thing to me in person, DAMN josh button is fine

you are right, it was a woman ... i saw the first name "alois" and thought "al", like my grandpa aloysius ... but now that i roll it around my mouth, "alois" is much more fem than "aloysius"

what a righteous contrast to that st. louis minister and his "i give god 10%" tip!

i cannot fault kate upton for being born wealthy any more than i can laud her for being born blond and swimsuit-worthy ... but i can give her props for maintaining her own trajectory despite the vicious, public smack talk ... besides, spaz dancers almost always get a thumbs-up from me

regardless, it is graceless and inaccurate to dismiss, ad nauseum, this young woman's accomplishment and correct the lede, WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW that it won't be used in cell phones, as ms. khare and intel hope