elaine layabout

some chinese buses currently use them, recharging as they pause at bus stops by touching an overhead power source ... they also recapture power from braking ... but cars could use the new, improved supercapacitors, aka ultracapacitors, too, and maybe recharge while driving in dedicated recharging lanes or at

i grok the difference between a supercapacitor and a lithium battery ... as do the folks at intel and, i've gotta believe, lil' miss first prize ... and given that the intel prize winner's stated purpose was to improve cell phone batteries, the lede is just fine

i guess i'm not assuming that the development of this young woman's tech stops with her science fair project ... and, i'll admit, i'm deferring to the inventor, whose stated purpose is to develop a better cell phone battery and who, as far as i can determine, knows what she's talking about ... the folks at intel

then you should be very excited to hear that eesha's supercapacitor is innovative because it solves the low energy density problem ... the energy density of her supercapacitor is comparable to that of a traditional battery

very kind of you to say, prometheanlucifer

eesha's innovation was, to quote her abstract, to "design and synthesize a supercapacitor with increased energy density while maintaining power density and long cycle life using a new core-shell structure"

that frolicat laser toy looks pretty cat-tastic ... but does it still give you the satisfaction of fucking with your cat and proving, despite her superior attitude, that you are smarter than her?

do cats really need animatronic string?

it's very frustrating for me, because i love production culture ... i love that, when you are working 16-hr days and sweating under the lights or freezing out in the middle of the desert at night, there's little room for vanity or standing on ceremony ... and the reality is that, regardless of gender, most film crew

kudos to your wife for becoming an ER doctor ... but you gotta laugh/cry: she is smart and tough enough to make lightening-fast life-and-death decisions, yet she wasn't seen as qualified to make movies ... which, of course, come out best when those who make them are smart and tough and can make lightening-fast,

almost without exception, i have been hired by, or at least recommended by, a female producer ... though the work i currently do came through a male producer who hired me despite his explicitly-articulated reservations about hiring women, because they "tend to prioritize their families" ... and, of course, i didn't

omg ... "top of the lake" exists ... i didn't just imagine it in a fever-dream world where women are actually seen as tough, complex, sexual and capable agents of their own destinies!

uh, i wasn't tossing ... i meant "mansplain", from the bottom of my heart and with every fiber of my being ... perhaps because, as a woman, gender inequality has been a genuine, life-dictating experience for me ... and i don't need to get my jollies pretending to have boo-boo feelings on behalf of the advantaged sex

aw, man ... there were "pity party" flames coming out of my ears, then this ... thanks

my bad ... i didn't realize that i was talking to the tone sheriff ... guess i overstepped myself

pu-leese ... i work in film production ... if i didn't know how to bro it up, i'd be dead in the water

i don't hate sex workers ... and i, personally, love a good stripper ... i was merely describing the way that they are portrayed in movies, which bears little relationship to the awesome shit that real strippers can do ... and i was expressing my frustration that a good 75% of the movies i work on have such scenes

i have seen dudes who could barely tell time get jobs, while chicks with charisma and skill get routinely dismissed

i was on the fence about seeing this one ... thought i would go just for the eye candy ... but now that i know i will, at least at some point, imagine james berating his high school girlfriends about getting finger-banged by other boys, i'll have to pass

although we have a presumption of innocence, the average defendant must scale some pretty tall hurdles to hold onto that presumption ... he may have one lawyer, while the government has many, and if the defendant is in prison, the defendant has limited access to said lawyer ... the defendant may have the means to hire