elaine layabout

as someone in the film industry who does not look like lake bell and does not have the kind of name-droppable connections that her looks have helped her to acquire, i do find her comments a little cavalier

although i am part native american, i was not raised in native american culture, so i do not speak from that perspective

if angelina had at least aged, i think it would have been easier for folks to separate grownup angie from wild-child angie

i couldn't get past that sentence ... and i'm still picking bits of brain off my monitor

angelina jolie has not only sent us the message that we can and must be proactive about our health, she has shown us that no matter how valuable our looks are to us — let's say, they have helped us to become a mega-million earning actor — they are not as important as our health

wow ... the list of impossible standards by which to criticize women just keeps on growin'!

good to hear that i did something right ... but where's the study of the long-term effects of consuming blankie fuzz, asphalt skids, and poo residue?

wow ... cool lookin' kitty ... what is she?

she's even prettier in person, cuz she's so freakin' sweet! it's killing me that i can't keep her, but i am just a way station on her road to a better life (sigh)

i think she's about 6 months old ... old for taming a feral, but she doesn't have a mean bone in her body ... just lots of greedy love monster ones

my latest feral rescue ... her name is "kali", but i call her "the three hundred pound gorilla", cuz she's all "pet me and give me the fucking food and pet me NOW!"

i could finally recreate the pool scene in I AM CUBA! if i can ever afford this thing

a good egg ... passionate about his work ... with a great sense of humor and humanity ... gone too soon

every pic from the set is just as awkward ... unfortunately, the kid's got the goods and the connections but not the talent ... though the styling sure didn't help ... they made her look twice her age

i ... cannot ... wait ... to see this

while hiv cannot be transmitted by casual contact, evidently fascist douchery can ... how else to explain the kansas state legislature's support of this bill? unless, of course, they are exchanging bodily fluids (oh, the horror!) ... or maybe you can infect others your fellow legislators with fascist douchery by just

given that soy sauce/pickle/smoked meats-consuming japan has the highest life expectancy on the globe, i am skeptical ... did they control for processed foods and corn syrup and saturated fats consumption? how about for shitty, stressful jobs and the fear of losing one's home and/or not being able to pay one's

way back, when the lincoln park zoo in chicago did a major renovation, they thought it was a great idea to house the capybaras with the tapirs ... a capybara promptly had a huge litter of mini capybaras, which mistook one of the tapirs for a playground ... whether it was standing or lying, they clambered over it,

even a perfect, plastic woman isn't perfect enough