elaine layabout

new phrase of the day: "doll gape"

i was expecting booze-infused cookies, like the "drunken donuts" one bakery here in chicago makes ... you'd probably have to eat half a dozen to even get a buzz, but they'd go down easy

thank you, sister, for this testimony ... if you can speak up against this mob and their government, then surely we, too, can speak up against our brutalizers, whether we live in egypt ... in india ... in the united states ... in the uk ... in botswana ...

yeah, they are pretty high maintenance, but babies are the best electrostatic dusters, especially since they tend to gravitate toward the gnarly spots ... like around your toilet, trash can, and litter box

aw, a victim blamer got his feelings hurt? or are you just testerical in general?

first of all, i am not excusing these girls ... i am glad that they are being charged ... and yesterday, before knowing that they would be charged, i actually wrote to one of their mothers condemning the harm that her daughter was doing and asking her to help her to own up to and make things right with the victim

sorry ... a woman getting raped is not like your house being robbed

one of the girls charged is the sister of one of the convicted rapists, the other a friend, so their motives are more complicated than just their being caught up in rape culture

well, if they had learned the pre-school lesson not to threaten to kill or beat the shit out of others, the could have legally called the victim as many names as the liked without being arrested ... their ignorance goes far deeper than a failure to comprehend the dangers of social media

i don't think the fast-and-loose use of the word ''bullying'' is really helpful ... these two girls made physical threats against a crime victim and imminent grand jury witness, and one ''outed'' her, exposing the victim/witness to further peril ... anyone threatening these latest perps with physical violence should

i would — and did — counsel my daughter to choose her company wisely ... choose companions who are fair to and respectful of other people, even their enemies, because today they might be her friend, but tomorrow they might not

we'll know for sure if you ever decide to stow away the sheepskins and become a crazy-ass rock 'n' roller

i have spent most of my life since my rape being a compulsive overachiever, winning scholarships, fellowships and grants, not to mention being a gourmet cook, savvy world traveler and cultural sophisticate! how else could i prove to myself and the world that i'm not just a low-rent piece of trash whose suffering

i was raped by two men when i was eleven, and although decades have passed, i go through life feeling like a loaded gun of disfunction that might be triggered at any moment ... like when i was grocery shopping and a man repeatedly fondled my breasts and grabbed my crotch, but i kept shopping because my brain went to

ahhhh firefly

the problem with watching luther on netflix is that there are a finite number of episodes and then, bam! no more idris elba being all smoldering and smart and pained and primal

thank you, sister ... your support and understanding are deeply appreciated ... as is your reminder to look away from the evil that i can

talk about "masquerading as concern and compassion"!

spoken like someone who has not had the kind of rape experience that deliberately obliterates one's sense of self and crushes every hope and dream and potential one ever had, leaving just a shell of a person that only wishes it was dead ... lucky you