elaine layabout

ugh ... the disconnect between how amazing we as women are and the way the world treats us ... fucking sad!

weird? more like a mind fuck, i'd say ... and i am really sorry that you've have to go through this "again"

one way of looking at this is that this chick truly thinks a couple of convicted rapists are her friends and that they would never, ever do what they did to that other girl to her, because that other girl deserved it and she doesn't

please try not to focus on your prof ... the accused are entitled to use every weapon, however unreasonable it may seem, in their defense ... which this is a good thing, because it pushes back against unscrupulous, lazy or biased prosecutors who might otherwise be able to convict the innocent

thank you! i wish that more people focusing on this victim's drinking (or being drugged) would ask themselves whether their own state of intoxication should be a consideration if they themselves are ever raped, even if they are "slightly puffy black defensive ends"

perhaps you've been availing yourself of the "consent" exception? i hope so

i oppose the death penalty, but i do believe that rape sentences should be of the same magnitude as murder ... rape destroys so many lives, and rapists rarely stop at one victim (my money says that the victim in this case is not the only girl these guys have raped) ... and this shit is never going to stop happening

if only these lads' kindergarten teachers had told them that the "keep your hands and feet to yourself" rule includes fingers and penises

for what it's worth, the prosecution says it isn't done ... as reported this morning by the atlantic wire:

oh, don't boohoo too much for these boys ... they'll serve their time and then spend the rest of their lives getting their "mistakes" excused by the likes of you ... if only they hadn't taken pictures, dang! their victim, however, will never, ever be free of the shame ... fear ... degradation ... not till the day she

i am cable-free, so i haven't seen the show, but i do know that the pro dance world is pretty harsh, and if you are serious about a future in dance, you must be prepared to get screamed at and humiliated in front of your peers ... heck, when i was a serious dance student (with talent), i had a teacher who used to hit

sorry ... i have zero desire to see this so-called finnick in nothing but a fishing net

to be fair, this ad is one of a series, aimed at both teen mothers and fathers, describing the long-term consequences of early parenthood for both parents and their child ... though, as far as i can tell, those consequences apply to parents of any age

if only all the worlds's bigoted (you know, racist, homophobic, sexist, zenophobic, AGIST) assholes would die off, tv would be full of hipper hosts of all ages

i just found a pussy fiddling a little too "on the nose"

pretty damned cute ... but if someone had told me this when i was little, it would have totally ruined all my country girl teen-years nooky in woods ... "ick! your naked but touched that stick and now i can't use it for my nest!"

i used to have a dalmation ... her name was "mira", but we called her "saint mira", and we got her because we had a toddler in the house, had never owned a dog, and mira was bred by my best friend's aunt, who was a reputable, loving breeder with good-tempered pups

i don't give a shit what the artist thought ... the editors okay'd a cartoon that, however naively drawn, would obviously perpetuate a hateful, racist lie about the housing crisis ... the onus is on business week

there's an entire room in the visitors center at the petrified forest filled with letters from folks, young and old, who'd taken chips of petrified wood from the park and ran afoul of the ranger-touted petrified forest curse ... divorces ... fatal car wrecks ... diarrhea